Tell us a little bit about yourself.
My name is Emma Norton and my pronouns are she/her/hers. I have been working in the UC as an Information Services Desk Attendant at UC Info Services since August 2021. Information services is a group of 4 desk attendants, our student manager, and our vending student manager (which I will be taking over next semester). We are supervised by Tonia Kapitan and our desk is located in the concourse.
What does an average day look like working for the UC? What does your position entail?
An average day at Info Services consists of helping customers solve their problems, selling retail, preparing mail items, and working on individual projects. Some of my current and past projects have been designing tags and posters for the Chamber’s Spirit Tour, preparing quarterly marketing reports, putting in work orders, and much more.
What does being a UC employee mean to you?
Being a UC employee allows me to make many connections throughout the University. I have made many good friends, and gained helpful skills that I will use throughout the rest of my career: leadership, customer service, time-management, detail-orientation, etc. I get to have many work experiences that most people do not think student-employees get to do such as attending staff meetings, being on the marketing committee, etc.
What are some of the most memorable days/moments working for the UC?
All of our UC Live events are always memorable because there are so many students coming to the UC to get involved. The Admitted Students Days are also very memorable because I get to see how excited the new students and their families are to come to Whitewater.
Why should students visit the UC?
Students should visit the UC because it allows you to connect with the rest of the student body. People of all different clubs and sports come here to study and work on group projects because it is a great place to work and eat great food.
How will your position at the UC help you in your future career?
It has taught me to communicate effectively with others, which will help immensely in the business field. I have gained more time-management and detail oriented skills with my weekly and monthly tasks that are so important in maintaining good data on our sales. I have made many connections with the pro-staff, and that will help me get great recommendations for employment beyond graduation. The UC is also a place with many opportunities for different job experiences, so I can get a feel for every aspect of business.
How do you balance school, work, extracurricular activities, and a social life?
While working at the UC, being on the Dean’s List, and being a member of the UW-W Women’s Golf Team is a challenge at times, I have found ways to balance it all. It takes a lot of discipline with time-management to get everything done on time but using the breaks within my schedule to do homework during the week so I can see my friends on the weekends has worked best for me. I am also constantly working to get ahead in my school work so I am not stressed about it the day it is due.
June 20, 2022 at 9:45 pm
Great Post