University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Resources

‘Tis the Season to Stress Less

By Haley Cox With classes coming to an end, holiday shopping, cramming for exams, and just trying to stay warm, this time of the year is just crazy. Now don’t pull your hair out yet, just take a breath and… Continue Reading →

What can the UC do for your Student Organization?

As we’re nearing the end of semester, it seems that sleep (one of my favorite activities) is becoming more and more non-existent. After all, there’s classes, homework, working different on- and off-campus jobs, and of course, keeping track of those… Continue Reading →

End Goal: Graduate and Start a Career

All students who attend a university have the same end goal: graduate and start a career.  But before achieving the end goal, there are interviews. During my freshman year, the most difficult aspect of college was trying to find time… Continue Reading →

Motivation: The Struggle is Real

Being a senior and ready to graduate, I’ve realized that senioritis is real.  I have been struggling this entire semester trying to be productive but just not having the energy.  It might have something to do with Gilmore Girls on… Continue Reading →

Old & New: Homecoming for You!

The buzz about homecoming brings excitement, involvement, and spirit all over campus.  UW-Whitewater’s homecoming tradition has been around since 1951…that’s a 63-year-old tradition!  Student orgs, res halls, and Greeks compete for both spirit and championship cups over the week of… Continue Reading →

How Do You Get Connected?

Well, Warhawks, the results are in! Check out the top ten responses to last week’s Giveaway Wednesday: “How does the UC get you connected? Ashley: The UW-Whitewater University Center gets me connected by keeping me updated! Love the Facebook page for upcoming… Continue Reading →

Commuting Student? Commute on over to the UC!

Hey commuting students! Are you looking for ways to really get into your college experience even though you don’t technically live on campus? Not to worry, the UC is here to help! Looking for a place to study between classes?… Continue Reading →

Let the UC Help Your Student Org Get Connected

Hey student org leaders! Looking for a few ways to vamp up your organization this winter season? The UC is here to help: Need a room? Our friendly and professional UC Reservations staff would be glad to assist you. Simply… Continue Reading →

How to Fail a Class in 10 Days

Fall 2012 is well underway, and that looming, dark question has already clouded the campus:  How on Earth am I going to be able to fail all of these classes? After all, anyone can pass a college course, but failing-… Continue Reading →

Hey Commuter Students, make the most of the UC!

Hey commuting students! Are you looking for ways to really get into your college experience even though you don’t technically live on campus? Not to worry, the UC is here to help!   Looking for a place to study between… Continue Reading →

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