Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

New Stuff Tuesday – September 28

The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure and Human Evolution by Denis Dutton BH39 .D84 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor Artistic expression, and the appreciation of it, is a gift that certain individuals possess. Some people can spot ‘good’ art when … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – September 21

Diversity Paradox: Immigration and the Color Line in 21st Century America by Jennifer Lee & Frank Bean JV6475 .L38 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor Diversity is very much a part of our society, including our campus. The convergence of … Continue reading

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As If You Needed Another Reason…

The New York Times is reporting that changing scenery when studying benefits the student. The article discusses study habits and the current research being done by cognitive psychologists that is challenging age-old notions of the ‘right way to learn.’ Investigators … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – September 14

Falls Aren’t Funny: America’s Multi-Billion-Dollar Slip-and-Fall Crisis by Russell Kendzior RD93 .K46 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor As a huge fan of FAILBlog, I’ve become accustomed to seeing cringe-inducing stunts-gone-very-wrong on a daily basis, some of which may be … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – August 31

Superconnect Harnessing the Power of Networks and the Strength of Weak Links by Richard Koch and Greg Lockwood HM741 .K67 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor We all know that saying that ‘it’s not about WHAT you know, it’s about … Continue reading

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Library. Fast Food Joint. Same thing.

For a bit of light-hearted Friday fun: [youtube][/youtube] This would make our library so much better if we served a side of fries with your books. =) Thanks to Denise for the link!

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Is the Web Donezo?

Real quick: is the web donezo (or is it donzo)? Carol and Martha forwarded a few interesting articles – one from Wired Magazine and the other from BoingBoing – about the death of the Web. The two discuss the death … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – August 24

Geoforensics by Alastair Ruffell & Jennifer McKinley QE38.5 .R85 2008 New Book Island, 2nd floor I remember sitting in my dorm room my sophomore year, trying to be the good student, while my roommate would watch hour after hour of … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – August 10

From the Closet to the Courtroom: Five LGBT Rights Lawsuits That Have Changed Our Nation by Carlos Ball KF4754.5 .A53 B35 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor Given that last week’s landmark decision made in California, I thought that this … Continue reading

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Notable Internet News Bites

A couple of interesting Internet-related news bites that came out last week. Not surprisingly, Google is involved with both: Net Neutrality Was Fun While It Lasted News broke on Wednesday of a deal between Verizon and Google that would create … Continue reading

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