Warhawk Almanac: 60th Anniversary: UW-Whitewater Issues First Graduate Degree

Written by Jacob Ober

Following the end of World War II, the United States experienced a population boom, and with it, an increase in enrollment at many higher-learning institutions, including UW-Whitewater. When the school was founded in 1868, just forty-eight students were enrolled, but by 1955, the number of students had increased to over 1,000. Due to the baby boom, a decade later, in 1965, over 6,000 students were in attendance.[1] During this time of rapid change and expansion, the first graduate school program was introduced in the summer of 1960. Thirty-two students first enrolled in the graduate program, and that number doubled to sixty-four in 1962.[2]

Photo of UW-Whitewater campus in the 1960s
An aerial view of campus in the 1960s, the decade in which the graduate studies program began.[3]

In August 1964, the university awarded its first-ever graduate degree, a master’s of science in teaching, to Alden Sidney Krumheuer.[4] A year later, in August 1965, eight more students were awarded master’s degrees. Due to the success of this new graduate studies program, in the Spring of 1966 three more master’s degrees were added to the program: a master of science in school business management, a master of arts in teaching, and a master of science in teaching with focus on elementary and junior high education. With these additions, the graduate studies program enrollment ballooned to 438 students in 1966.[5]

Photo of Helen Herbert filing her master's thesis at Andersen Library
Helen Herbert, second to left, has her master’s thesis filed in the archives at Anderson Library as part of the second class of graduate studies at Wisconsin State University-Whitewater, 1965.[6]

The addition of a graduate studies program and the awarding of its first degree in August 1964 signified a transition for the school and prompted a name change. Since 1951, the school had been known as Wisconsin State College – Whitewater, but with the addition of graduate studies, the school earned the title of university and changed its name to Wisconsin State University – Whitewater. Today, UW-Whitewater is one of thirteen main campuses in the UW System, all of which offer graduate studies programs. As of Spring 2024, 1,650 graduate students were enrolled at UW-Whitewater, over fifty times the number of graduate students enrolled in the first year of the program in 1960.[7]

[1] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University-Whitewater, (Whitewater, WI: Whitewater State Foundation, Inc, 1967), 201.

[2] Ibid, 206.

[3] UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center.

[4] The Royal Purple, August 4, 1964, 4.

[5] Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University-Whitewater, 226.

[6] UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center.

[7] “University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Enrollment Spring Semester, 10th Day Enrollment,” Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning, UW-Whitewater, April 2024, https://www.uww.edu/documents/ir/University%20Data/Enrollment/Spring%20Enrollment/Enrollment%20Spring%20-%20Enrollment%20Summary.pdf.

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Warhawk Almanac: UW-Rock County Mascot Controversy

Written by Jacob Ober

Please be aware this post contains content considered harmful, offensive, and inappropriate in contemporary settings. The University Libraries strive to create an accessible, welcoming, and accountable understanding of the historic record.

Founded in 1966, the University of Wisconsin-Rock County (now a satellite campus of UW-Whitewater) originally adopted the “Rebels” as the school mascot. In 1967, controversy erupted over a proposal to add the Confederate Flag as a symbol for the university. This issue began in May 1967, when the student senate voted in favor of adopting the flag and appropriating funding to purchase it.[1] An unnamed student proposed this on the basis that it would “boost morale and spirit” amongst students, as the official mascot of UW-Rock County was the rebel, and the Confederate Battle Flag represented the “rebellion” side of the American Civil War from 1861-65.[2]

Photo of headline from the Matrix discussing Confederate Flag Controversy
Headline from The Matrix discussing the adoption of the Confederate Flag as a school symbol. [3]

Some students, such as an anonymous student who wrote to the UW-Rock County publication The Matrix, felt that the Confederate Flag was a “racist symbol” and proposing to adopt it as a school symbol was an “immature act.”[4] Others wrote that they could “see nothing wrong” with using the Confederate Flag as a school symbol, but nonetheless agreed that if a majority of students took offense to it, then it was their right to remove it as a school symbol.[5] By January 1968, the proposal was officially dismissed by the student senate.[6]

Despite dismissing the proposal to incorporate the Confederate Flag as a symbol, the school continued to refer to itself as the Rebels until the early 1980s. Throughout the 15 or so years UW–Rock was known as the Rebels, the school never introduced a formal logo for the mascot.  In 1982, Kurt Eisemann, a counselor at the Skills Development Center on campus, suggested changing the mascot from the Rebels to the Unicorns, as some teams were already referring to themselves as the Unicorns rather than the Rebels.[7] UW – Rock County eventually adopted the Unicorns as the mascot, which created further debate amongst the student body about the mascot and its representation, before becoming the Rattlers as we know them today.

Photo of unicorn mascot
Photo of a rendition of the UW-Rock Unicorn logo at the gym on campus. Logo created by Cindy Cox and Linda Belloma.[8]

[1] Gary Loofboro, “Do Flags Make the Bigot?,” The Matrix, May 25, 1967.

[2] “Confederate Flag History Reviewed,” The Matrix, October 12, 1967.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Gary Loofboro, “Do Flags Make the Bigot?,” The Matrix, May 25, 1967.

[6] “Confederate Flag Again in Question,” The Matrix, January 4, 1968.

[7] Pam Chalmers, “Unicorns vs. Rebels,” The Matrix, December 13, 1983.

[8] UW Rock County Unicorn, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Rock County, https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/LUDDJQ7UPOMD484.

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Warhawk Almanac: Wrestling

Written by Ashley Bowe

The history of the wrestling team goes back to the mid-1950s as part of a campus promotion and celebration. The presence of wrestling on campus started as a promotional event called “Campus Chaos”, which was a variety show of both boxing and wrestling that started in 1956.[1] The event took off and was held annually by the sophomore class until 1960, with various names such as “Campus Catastrophe” or “Campus Confusion,” when the Veteran’s League took over sponsoring the event.[2]

By the early 1960s, thanks to the success of the “Campus Confusion” event, the interest in wrestling on campus had grown. The university organized its first wrestling team for the 1961 -1962 season. During a time when the university had no officially recognized mascot, the wrestling team was initially known as the “matmen.”[3] The team had a remarkable start, going undefeated in its second season and finishing 3rd at the State Collegiate Tournament[4].

Photo of 1962-1963 Wrestling Team
Undefeated 1962-1963 Wrestling Team[5]

Wrestling continued to grow as a sport throughout the rest of the 1960s. Cecil Austin was the first All-American wrestler for Whitewater and won the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (WIAC) for his weight class during the 1966-1967 season.[6] In addition to Austin, two other teammates, John Bauman and Bob Schuldt, won the (WIAC) championship in their respective weight classes during that same season, making them the first three WIAC champions in school history[7] In total, through the 2023-2024 season, 102 Whitewater wrestlers have been named All-American, and 127 wrestlers have been crowned WIAC champions.

Photo of the wrestling team captains for 1966-1967
From left to right: Cecil Austin, John Bauman, Bob Schuldt, tri-captains of the wrestling team and WIAC champions, 1967.[8]

While UW-Whitewater’s wrestling team has never won the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) championship, the wrestling team has made 38 national championship appearances since 1981, finishing as high as second place, falling to Wartburg, in 2014.[9] Wrestling at Whitewater has come a long way from its beginnings as an exhibition as part of a campus variety show to a battle for the title of national champion.

[1] Minneiska, 1956, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, https://jstor.org/stable/community.29916417.

[2] Mary Janette Bohi, “Toward New Frontiers: The Search for Excellence,” in A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater, 1868-1968 (Whitewater, Wisconsin: Whitewater State University Foundation, Inc., 1967), 224.

[3] “Matmen to Meet Marquette JV’s,” The Royal Purple, February 27, 1962.

[4] Minneiska, 1963, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center,  https://jstor.org/stable/community.29916418.

[5] Minneiska, 1963, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 197,  https://jstor.org/stable/community.29916418.

[6] “Wrestling All-Americans,” Wrestling, https://uwwsports.com/sports/2024/1/29/wrestling-all-americans.aspx; Minneiska, 1967, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 128, https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.30048827.  

[7] “Wrestling Conference Champions,” Wrestling, https://uwwsports.com/sports/2024/1/29/wrestling-wiac-champions.aspx;  “Wrestling Tri-Captains Finish On Top,” The Royal Purple, March 16. 1967.

[8] “Wrestling Tri-Captains Finish On Top,” The Royal Purple, March 16. 1967.

[9] “Wrestling NCCAA Championship History (Team),” Wrestling,” https://uwwsports.com/sports/2024/1/29/wrestling-ncaa-tournament.aspx; Christopher Clapper, “Warhawks finish as runner-up,” The Royal Purple, March 19, 2014, https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.35002010.   

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Warhawk Almanac: 2008 Softball Team’s Remarkable Run

Written by Jacob Ober

In 2008, the UW-Whitewater Warhawks softball team made their longest postseason run since 1987 by advancing to the NCAA Division III World Series. This would mark the 13th overall appearance for the Warhawks softball team in the NCAA Division III tournament.[1] The Warhawks defeated defending national champion DePauw University in back-to-back games with final scores of 2-1 and 6-2 in the regional round, moving them forward to the championship round. Head Coach Brenda Volk said, “This team is amazing…There is not just one individual that we rely on. It seems like every game someone different steps us with a big hit or a big play. Every single person on the field and in the dugout has contributed to our success this year and it is a great feeling.”[2]

Photo of promotional shot of Warhawk softball players for 2008 NCAA Division III tournament
Promotional picture for the 2008 NCAA Division III Softball Tournament, featuring two UW-Whitewater Warhawk players.[3]

At the start of the championship round, the Warhawks would lose 5-4 to New York-Cortland before notching four straight wins to earn a spot in the World Series Title Game.[4] The Warhawks advanced thanks to a 2-1 victory over Louisiana College, the number one-seeded team in the tournament. They were led by a stellar performance from starting pitcher Jessica Stang, co-winner of the 2008 WIAC Pitcher of the Year Award, who went the full 7 innings and only allowed one run on seven hits. After falling behind 1-0 in the bottom of the 6th inning and down to their final three outs, the Warhawks roared back in the top of the 7th and took a 2-1 lead thanks to a 2-run home run by right fielder Suzanne Gersich, her 12th of the year.[5]  In securing the victory, the Warhawks earned their spot in the World Series Title Game.

Photo of 2008 softball team posing with 2nd place trophy
UW-Whitewater 2008 softball team posing for a team photo with the NCAA Division III Runner-Up Trophy.[6]

Unfortunately, the Warhawks’ remarkable run would end in the final game, where they lost to UW-Eau Claire 4-3 in extra innings. Despite getting out to a 3-1 lead in the fifth inning on a home run by Gersich, UW-Eau Claire would strike back to tie the game in the bottom of the 7th, sending the game into extra innings. In the bottom of the 9th, UW-Eau Claire slugger Jill Janke hit a 1-1 pitch over the fence for a walk-off home run, ending the Warhawks’ season in heartbreaking fashion.[7] However, the 2008 Warhawks softball team would be a team to remember, as they set numerous school records, including most runs scored in a season (319), most home runs (68), most RBIs (275), most total bases (751), and most strikeouts (337) and strikeouts per game (6.74).[8] Individually, center fielder Amy Gahl set a record for most hits in a season (70), a record that would stand for almost a decade before being broken by Mallory Klotz in 2017, who recorded 71 hits.[9]

Members of the 2008 softball team posing with trophy
UW-Whitewater softball players hold the NCAA Division III National Runner-Up Trophy.[10]

The Warhawks would return to the NCAA Division III Championship in 2014, although they failed to qualify for the World Series Title Game. No Warhawk softball team has made it to the World Series game since the record-breaking 2008 team.  

[1] Mike Daly, “Warhawks eliminate No. 1 team to advance to final 8,” The Royal Purple, May 14, 2008.

[2] Sara Kuhl, “Quest for national championship titles continues for softball, baseball team,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Athletics, May 12, 2008, https://www.uww.edu/news/archive/2008-05-softball-baseball-playoffs.

[3] “Warhawks Earn Spot in World Series Title Game,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Athletics, May 19, 2008, https://uwwsports.com/news/2008/5/19/softball_05192008_louisiana.aspx.

[4] “2008 Softball Schedule,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Athletics, https://uwwsports.com/sports/softball/schedule/2008.

[5] “Warhawks Earn Spot in World Series Title Game,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Athletics, May 19, 2008, https://uwwsports.com/news/2008/5/19/softball_05192008_louisiana.aspx.

[6]“Warhawks Finish Second in NCAA Division III Tournament,” University of Wisconsin Whitewater Athletics, May 19th, 2008, https://uwwsports.com/news/2008/5/19/softball_05192008_eauclaire.aspx.

[7] Ibid.

[8] “Softball Season Records,” University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Athletics, https://uwwsports.com/sports/2024/5/2/softball-season-records.aspx.

[9] Ibid.

[10] “2007-08 athletics year in review,” The Royal Purple, August 27, 2008.

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Warhawk Almanac: The Tower

Written by Riley Smith

Photo of Jack Heide
Jack Heide[4]

 John A. “Jack”  Heide was hired at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, then called Whitewater State Teachers College, in 1948, where he took on the role of English Department Chair.[1] During the 1950s and 1960s, Heide greatly expanded the English department, eventually making it the largest department on campus at the time. Heide was a big proponent of keeping class sizes small, even the typically larger required freshman courses, to aid student/professor relationships.[2] His dedication to students extended outside of the classroom. In 1949, Heide organized a student writing club called the Wits and sponsored a student literary magazine named The Tower, a precursor to the Muse, UW-Whitewater’s current literature and arts magazine.[3]

The Wits club was known as an informal writing club, in which all students were invited to meet and discuss various literary topics, including members’ writings.[5] In the same year the club began, they published the first edition of The Tower to exhibit club members’ writings. The opening paragraph of the first edition reads, “In presenting this magazine, it is the intention of the club to give the public a chance to read samples of the types of creative writings at which club members have been working during the year.”[6] The magazine could be bought for a small fee.[7] The fee was then used to raise money for guest speakers to attend campus events; as Chair of the University Convocation Committee, Heide was in charge of planning said events. [8] While anyone could be a member of Wits, The Tower’s staff was hand-picked by the Wits club members.[9]

Cover page of the 1949 issue of The Tower
Cover page for the first issue of The Tower, published in 1949.[10]

Eventually, the Wits club began hosting writing competitions where winning students would receive a cash prize of $5, later bumped up to $10, and a feature in The Tower.[11] At first, four categories were made available for submission: one-act play, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.[12] In the 1960s, when the cash prize grew to $10, three more categories were added: essay, two-dimensional art, and three-dimensional art.[13] When these contests began, The Tower provided a way to highlight the writing and artistic talents of all students, not just the Wits club members.

Sadly, in April of 1968, Heide passed away from smoke inhalation during an accidental house fire. Weeks later, devastated by the loss, the UW-W campus dedicated the new humanities building to Heide.[14] The last edition of The Tower, in 1968, was also dedicated to his memory.[15]

You can browse issues of The Tower online at https://www.jstor.org/site/uww/.  

[1] Richard C. Haney, Campus Cornerstones, University of Wisconsin– Whitewater: biographical sketches of the people for whom buildings & facilities are named (Whitewater, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin– Whitewater, 1997), 59.

[2] Ibid., 59.

[3]  Ibid., 59.

[4] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 58.

[5] “Literary Club Discusses Art,” Royal Purple, Sept. 10, 1963.

[6] “The Word Before,” The Tower, 1949, 3.

[7] “Wits Plan To Publish New Literary Magazine,” Royal Purple, May 17, 1949.

[8] Haney, “Campus Cornerstones,” 59.

[9] “Wits Club to Choose TOWER Staff Tonight,” Royal Purple, March 14, 1961.

[10] Lee Ashton and John Leslie, The Tower, 1949.

[11] “Wits Contest Ends April 20,” Royal Purple, April 17, 1956.

[12] “Wits Contest Winners Told,” Royal Purple, May 8, 1956.

[13] “Winners of Wits Contest Are Chosen,” Royal Purple, May 8, 1962.

[14] Haney, “Campus Cornerstones,” 59.

[15] The Tower, 1968, 43.

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Warhawk Almanac: UW-Whitewater’s Centennial Anniversary

Written by Jacob Ober

On April 21st, 1868, also known as “Founder’s Day,” a dedication ceremony was held for the newly-opened Whitewater Normal School. 100 years later, Whitewater Normal School, having been recently renamed to Wisconsin State University-Whitewater in 1964, celebrated its centennial anniversary. When Whitewater Normal School was founded, the 48 students enrolled were taught by 9 faculty members. 100 years later, the school had expanded far beyond its original function of being a school for teachers, broadening its curriculum to include bachelor’s and master’s degrees in a variety of disciplines. In its centennial year, enrollment at Wisconsin State University-Whitewater topped 8,000 students.[1]

Photo of Governor Knowles signing proclamation designation 1868 as Wisconsin State University-Whitewater’s (now UW-Whitewater) Centennial Year
Wisconsin Governor Warren Knowles signs a proclamation that designates 1968 as Wisconsin State University-Whitewater’s (now UW-Whitewater) Centennial Year.[2]
Photo of Mary Conohan crowned as Miss Centennial
Mary Conohan crowned as “Miss Centennial”[8]

The celebration of Wisconsin State University-Whitewater’s centennial began on January 31, 1968 with a Serendipity Singers concert and the crowning of Mary Conohan as “Miss Centennial.” [3] While there was a year-long celebration, the “Centennial Week” festivities began on April 16th, featuring an art exhibition in Crossman Gallery, a number of music recitals showcasing Whitewater faculty, and different guest speakers from around the country.[4] Speakers included John F. Mee, Mead-Johnson professor of management at Indiana University, Cary McWilliams, editor of The Nation, and Delyte W. Morris, president of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale.[5] Celebrations also featured a proclamation by Wisconsin Governor Warren Knowles recognizing 1968 as the centennial year of Wisconsin State University-Whitewater, read by Lieutenant Governor Jack Olson during a reception at Wells high rise.[6] The week-long celebration was capped by the lighting of a 55-foot candle fitted with 1,224 blue, white and gold lights in front of Old Main on April 21st.[7]

Today, what was formerly the Whitewater Normal School and Wisconsin State University-Whitewater is now called the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, a name it has held since 1971. Despite the name changes, the campus continues to celebrate its heritage, with the most recent Founder’s Day observed on April 21st, 2024, the school’s 156th anniversary. As we look to the future, one must wonder what kind of celebration will greet students and faculty for the school’s bicentennial in 2068!

Photo of President Carter standing in fron tof large birthday candle.
University President William L. Carter speaks before a large birthday candle in celebration of UW-Whitewater’s 100th anniversary, 1968.[9]

[1] “Speakers Named for Whitewater Centennial Week April 16 – 21,” The Whitewater Register, April 4th, 1968.

[2] Minneiska, 1968, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 122.

[3] “Serendipity Singers Will Kick Off 1968 Centennial Year’s Festivities,” The Royal Purple, January 11, 1968.

[4] “Kickoff of Centennial Celebration, Minneiska, 1968, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 124 – 125; “Fine Arts Events Schedules for WSU Centennial Symposium,” The Whitewater Register, April 18, 1968.

[5] “Speakers Named for Whitewater Centennial Week April 16 – 21,” The Whitewater Register, April 4th, 1968

[6] “Kickoff of Centennial Celebration, Minneiska, 1968, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 123.

[7] “University Activities Mark Centennial of Whitewater Founding,” The Whitewater Register, April 25, 1968.

[8]”Kickoff of Centennial Celebration, Minneiska, 1968, UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center, 125.

[9] “Historical Timeline,” 100th Birthday (1968), University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, https://www.uww.edu/150/timeline

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Warhawk Almanac: Online MBA Program 25th Anniversary

Written by Ashley Bowe

The University of Wisconsin Whitewater is well known for its elite business school, particularly its online MBA program. The program has been ranked number one in Wisconsin for years and has held many honors throughout its history. In recognition of the College of Business and Economics celebrating the 25th anniversary of the online MBA program during the 2023-2024 academic year, we reflect on the program’s success as well as its impact on UW-Whitewater students.[1] 

Early version of the online MBA program logo
An early version of the logo for the online MBA program[2]

The online MBA program opened its virtual doors in 1998 as one of the few universities to offer a completely online MBA degree at that time.[3] It was the first to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).[4] The online MBA was a visionary program in 1998 as it demonstrated a foresight into the future and popularity of online learning.[5] As an early adopter of online learning, the program was designed to accommodate all students, specifically marketing to students with full-time jobs and families. “It was designed for working adults”, said John Stone, interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs in 2016, “it was a way for people who were working full time who wanted a college degree.”[6] Although the program did not start with servicing non-traditional students, as many were students taking classes online from their dorm rooms, the average age of enrolled students in the online MBA program today is 30 years old with 90% of students taking classes while employed full-time.[7] 

Today, the program continues to hold its ranking as the number one online MBA degree in Wisconsin and 55th in the nation.[8]  As of the 2023-2024 academic year, 760 students are currently enrolled in the program.[9] The top three concentrations within the MBA program include Management, Project Management, and Data Analytics. In addition to being a continuously highly ranked program in the state and nationwide, the online MBA strives to be an economical program. It is credited to be an affordable degree program offering great value at $678 per credit whether you are a Wisconsin resident, an out-of-state student, or an international student. [10]

Photo Master's Hooding Ceremony for College of Business and Economics
Master’s Hooding ceremony for 2023 MBA graduates[11]

The online MBA at UW-Whitewater was a game-changing and forward-thinking program from the outset and twenty-five years later it continues to be an influential program. Its flexibility and customization possibilities, including 13 emphasis and 50 electives, provide students with choices to “tailor [their] degree to meet [their] career goals.”[12] Over the years, the MBA program has grown steadily and remains the top graduate program at UW-Whitewater in terms of enrollment and degrees awarded. As a program, it has lived up to its potential as a degree that develops aspiring professionals who are “capable of thinking globally, behaving ethically and leading innovation.”[13]

[1] “UW-Whitewater’s College of Business and Economics celebrates 100th anniversary,” College of Business and Economics, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, March 1, 2024, https://www.uww.edu/cobe/news/cobe-110th-anniversary

[2]“About the Program,” University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Internet Archive, http://academics.uww.edu/business/business.htm.  

[3] Michael O’Herron, “New online program lets MBA students stay at home,” The Royal Purple, October 28, 1998.

[4] Kimberly Wethal, “Online Program Ranked in Top Ten,” The Royal Purple, February 9, 2016, https://royalpurplenews.com/18408/campus/online-program-ranked-in-top-ten/

[5] Dylan Piccolo, “Pioneer Program Stays on Top,” The Royal Purple, February 11, 2019, https://royalpurplenews.com/24509/womens-sports/pioneer-program-stays-on-top/.

[6] Kimberly Wethal, “Online Program Ranked in Top Ten,” The Royal Purple, February 9, 2016, https://royalpurplenews.com/18408/campus/online-program-ranked-in-top-ten/

[7] “University of Wisconsin – Whitewater – College of Business and Economics,” The Princeton Review, https://www.princetonreview.com/business/university-wisconsin-whitewater-college-business-economics-1036185?program=online.  

[8] “Online Master of Business Administration,” University of Whitewater – Online, https://www.uww.edu/online/masters/mba.

[9] “Business Administration – Enrollment by Major & Emphasis,” Institutional Research & Planning, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, May 7, 2024.

[10] “Online Master of Business Administration,” University of Whitewater – Online, https://www.uww.edu/online/masters/mba.

[11] Nick Pook, 051223_CoBE Masters Hooding 2023_010, May 12, 2023, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater.

[12] “Online Master of Business Administration,” University of Whitewater – Online, https://www.uww.edu/online/masters/mba.

[13] “Online Master of Business Administration,” University of Whitewater – Online, https://www.uww.edu/online/masters/mba.

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Warhawk Almanac: Jane Clem

Written by Riley Smith

Jane E. Clem was born in 1886 in Dennis, Kansas. She graduated from Bushnell High School, in Illinois, in 1904 and completed her bachelor’s degree in science and math in 1909 at Hedding College in Abington, Illinois. Clem taught in various high schools in Illinois for 10 years before pursuing her Bachelor of Accounts from Gem City Business College in Quincy, Illinois in 1916. After years of teaching, Clem went back to school to earn her master’s degree, which she received from the University of Chicago in 1931.[1]

Photo of Jane Clem
Jane Clem. UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center.

            Clem landed a teaching position at the Whitewater Normal School, now the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, in 1919. During her tenure, Clem was responsible for teaching four classes: third and fourth-year typing, Typewriting, and Typewriting Methods.[2] Clem had a reputation from her previous teaching positions as being a serious instructor who demanded excellence from her students, while at the same time, being humorous and not so extreme with her workloads that a student would be overwhelmed.[3] Clem certainly did not disappoint on that account, nor many others. During her 37 years at the university, Clem, along with the help of accounting instructor Paul Carlson and shorthand instructor Marie Benson, advanced the business program which led to a significant increase in enrollment.[4] Due in part to her work, the university was given the nickname “Typewriter Tech”, and students of Clem were greatly sought after as business education teachers following graduation.[5] In an interview, Clem said, “I see my Whitewater students who are successfully teaching all over the West. Several have made names for themselves that has brought honor to Whitewater.”[6]

Photo of class using typewriters in Old Main
Typewriting Class in Old Main. UW-Whitewater Archives and Area Research Center.

            Not only was Clem a fantastic instructor, but also an accomplished author and a forefront figure in the typewriting field. In 1929 she published the first typewriting textbook in the United States titled The Technique of Teaching Typewriting. [7] The textbook was met with great enthusiasm and became the standard for high school typewriting courses across the country. It remained popular and in January of 1955, Clem released the second edition of the textbook. In 1930, Clem published Clem’s Junior and Senior Typewriting Tests, in which her name was intentionally added to the title to ensure a great amount of sales.[8] Later, in 1936, Clem would go on to publish an article titled Grading Typewriting Skills which would earn her the title of “one of the country’s outstanding typewriting authorities.”[9] Then, in 1937, Clem collaborated on the college edition of Business and Personal Typewriting, where many of her survey tests published in the book became standards in the field.[10]

            Clem retired in 1956 and moved to San Diego. Ten years later, in 1966, to celebrate her many accomplishments in the field of typewriting and the acclaim she brought to Whitewater, the university named a newly constructed residence hall in her honor.

Photo of Clem Hall
Clem Hall[11]

[1] Richard C. Haney,  Campus Cornerstones: University of Wisconsin Whitewater Biographical Sketches of the People Whom Buildings & Facilities are Named (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1997), 30.

[1] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[2] Haney,  Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[3] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[4] Mary Jannette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater, 1868-1968 (Whitewater, Wisconsin: Whitewater State University Foundation, Inc.), 133-134.

[5] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[6] Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater, 1868-1968, 138.

[7] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[8] Haney, Campus Cornerstones, 31.

[9] “Miss Jane Clem recognized as Typewriting Authority,” The Royal Purple, May 18, 1936.

[10] Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater, 136.  

[11] “Clem Hall,” University of Wisconsin – Whitewater – Housing, https://www.uww.edu/housing/residencehalls/hall-tours/clem.

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When the Robots Came to the Library…

…for a Stuffed Animal Sleepover event!

Did you notice little children and stuffed animals in the library earlier this month? It’s no surprise! 8 children from ages 2 to 8 years old visited Andersen Library on April 5, 2024, to participate in the library’s ninth Annual Stuffed Animal Sleepover. The children from families of UW-Whitewater students, staff, faculty, and the Children’s Center participated in a craft followed by a story time.

students painting props

Library student staff members took a lead role in planning and prepping activities. Orion Regenold’s robot face-in-the-hole boards were a hit with both the children and their stuffies! 

Hannah Featherly pulled together craft supplies for children to make their own robot and prepared storytime props. 

Volunteer assists a child with a craft.

Parents, grandparents and caregivers along with student volunteers Georgia Mayfield and Jaelyn Krohn helped the children engineer their own robots. 

With crafts complete, the children geared up for a robot story time with library student employees Hannah and Beau Boyd, and Jaelyn each leading a robot story from the UW collections.

Volunteer students read robot stories to the children

Of course, there’s always a song or two to sing. What Would You Do If a Robot Came to Tea fit perfectly!

Before heading home, the children said goodbye to their stuffies for the evening. The stuffies stayed up all night exploring the library, reading more stories, making robot friends, and taking photos, with the assistance of student volunteer photographer Lilian Schildbach. The event volunteers created a photo memory booklet of the stuffies adventures which the children kept as mementos.

A big thank you to the volunteers that helped make the event a success!  We are so grateful for the many student workers and staff members involved behind the scenes, blowing up balloons, creating props, moving furniture and tidying up. 

If this sounds like fun for a little one you know, or if you are a UW-W student who would like to volunteer to help with this event in any way, keep your eyes peeled for next year’s event!

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Warhawk Almanac: U-Rock’s Longest Serving Dean, Dr. Thomas Walterman

“Sunshine Welcomed with Beer and Brats”, The Matrix, April 25, 1974, 6. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666595

Thomas Walterman, grew up in the Quad Cities area to a lower-middle class, German family. After high school, he began working in a factory in Bettendorf, Iowa, before enlisting in the Marines. Walterman spent two years in Korea then returned to his work in the factory. [1] Eventually, Walterman, attended Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois. He then started working as a high school history teacher and simultaneously worked on achieving his master’s degree at the University of Iowa. He later attended Washington University in St. Louis and achieved his doctorate degree. [2] He then used his education to help him get a position as Associate Professor of History and Assistant to the President at Central Washington University.[3]

In 1973, UW-Center Rock County named Thomas Walterman the Dean, succeeding Dean George Condon. [4] Upon his arrival, Dean Walterman quickly settled into the campus culture and communicated his desire to build a stronger presence in the community and expand the opportunities that the university had for non-traditional students. Walterman said, “We should do all we can for as many as possible, but still maintain the status of an educational institution for basic college instruction.[5] In April of 1974, the Vets for Vets Club honored Dean Walterman and other veterans with the “First Annual Beer and Brat Day”. The event raised funds for the club and included a performance by the Jazz Ensemble, frisbee contests, and hoop-rolling.[6]

“U-Rock Dream Coming True”, The Janesville Gazette, January 25, 1980, 10.

Walterman was a major player in the development of campus facilities. The county denied initial requests for funding to help grow campus facilities. Walterman understood that updated campus facilities would improve the experience of students and could increase campus enrollment and student retention.[7] In 1978, Walterman’s advocacy proved successful, as plans to build a gymnasium and fine arts building began building steam.[8] On February 14, 1980, the Rock County Board approved $2.6 million to fund the new buildings.[9]

Dean Tom W. Walterman, Janesville, 1981. https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/LIRT6XXJQV3BM8O

In 1990, Walterman accepted a position at UW-Whitewater as the associate vice chancellor for academic affairs. At Whitewater, Walterman would develop projects, create and review courses, update the course catalog, and serve on the campus space committee.[10] In his parting remarks, Walterman disclosed his appreciation for the UW-Rock County Center saying, “This place is a jewel of great value, and comparatively few people recognize that.”[11] Walterman spent five years at UW-Whitewater, then retired in 1995.[12] UW-Whitewater President, H. Gaylon Greenhill exclaimed, “I would describe Dr. Walterman as an extremely conscientious and hard-working individual. He is a professional who always expends the necessary time and effort to get a job done and to be certain that it is done well.”[13] He was nominated for the rank of Associate Vice Chancellor Emeritus, upon his retirement.[14]

Dean Dr. Thomas Walterman, Janesville, 1973/1990. https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/BY3XVXJJO6LDA9E

Dr. Thomas Walterman’s dedication to accessibility paved the way for UW-Rock County and his awareness of the needs of students solidified his significance to UW-Whitewater. Walterman serves as an early example of the collaborative relationship between UW-Whitewater and UW-Rock County and his impact lives on throughout both campuses.  

[1] Rebecca Woosley, “Dean leaving ‘life on the lightning rod”, Janesville Gazette, August 31, 1990, 1.

[2] Ibid, 1.

[3] “Dean Walterman Arrives Today”, The Matrix, September 13, 1973, 1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666582

[4] Ibid, 1.

[5] “Dean Wants Student Feedback”, The Matrix, February 7, 1974, 4. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666590

[6] “Sunshine Welcomed with Beer and Brats”, The Matrix, April 25, 1974, 6. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666595

[7] Mark Lindrin, “Enrollment drop delays expansion”, The Matrix, November 5, 1976, 6. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666620

[8] F.M. Roach, “”Very Much Alive”, The Matrix, November 13, 1978, 1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666635

[9] Pat Soeder, “Building Project Carries”, The Matrix, February 25, 1980, 1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.34666643

[10] “Dean leaving ‘life on the lightning rod’”, 1.

[11] Ibid, 1.

[12] Anna Marie Lux, “Brave in battle: Book chronicles duty, danger, death for county’s Civil War soldiers”, The Janesville Gazette, March 10, 2002, 1.

[13] H. Gaylon Greenhill to UW-Whitewater, memorandum, May 5, 1995, “Dr. Thomas Walterman”.

[14] Faculty Senate, “Resolution”, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, May 5, 1995.

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