Triumph of Love

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design on February 25th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Another dress rehearsal last night.

Here’s guest lighting designer Tom Littrell and student board op Alexa watching the actors work a moment before things get rolling:

Brother and Sister in the garden:

A song about Mister Right:

And a bit of thinkfast shenanigans:

Final dress tonight, and opening tomorrow morning with the student matinee!

Scenic Painting Seminar

Posted in Scenic Painting, Student Work on February 25th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

The scenic painting seminar students just turned in their first major assignment, Lining a Lichtenstein. It’s all about color matching, image transfer, and using a lining stick. They done good!

Triumph of Love

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Student Work on February 23rd, 2019 by Eric Appleton

We are heading into tech week for “Triumph of Love.” Closer and closer to being done, but still a lot to accomplish before final dress Monday night.

Here’s David, one of the cast members, explaining to some Intro to Theatre students how to cover a flat with muslin:

Two of the wing flats laid out in the shop, just before I paint the quoins on them. Also the columns, waiting to be primed.

After priming, basing, and then some marbling.

Here’s our TD, Ruth, blurrily supervising the installation of the columns.

And the completed colonnade, with ME Abby standing downstage doing some electrics supervising.

Prepping for first tech, here’s one of the sound operators, Owen, working through mic check.

And before we get rolling, a view from behind the tech table. On the left, there’s our student SM Sami, in the middle, guest lighting designer Tom Littrell, and the light board operator Alexa.

And finally, a shot during rehearsal.

Advanced Design Seminar

Posted in Uncategorized on February 15th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

In the Advanced Design Seminar, yesterday was another working with media day! Here Marshall leads the students on an exercise in rendering fabric patterns with watercolor and colored pencil:

The Triumph of Love

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Student Work on February 15th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Like a rocket, the Spring semester is hurtling forward toward the opening of the musical, “The Triumph of Love.” We’re already to light hang. Here’s ME Abby working with another student on finishing up circuiting:

As well as other students working on the pipes. The show is being lit by guest LD Tom Littrell.

We start focus today!

In the shop, we forge ahead. I haven’t had the time to take many photos lately, but here’s one of the hedge boxes, all marbled up:

And attaching foam to the entablature for the colonnade:

When all is said and done, the set’s supposed to look like this:


Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on December 21st, 2018 by Eric Appleton

It’s the end of the semester, and our third show has come and gone already. “Ghosts” was directed by Bruce Cohen, and featured scenery by student Lilliana Gonzalez, and props by student Alex Carey. My big project on this one was painting the drop that hung upstage beyond the windows and French doors. Here’s one end of it still on the floor as I was completing it:

One of the props was a painting that had to be worked on (and we’re in thrust configuration, mind you) AND destroyed every night by the actor:

The director wanted to immerse the audience in the Alving’s living space, so we had walls that wrapped most of the way around the seating area. Also in this picture is the model of the school that serves as a major plot point, and serves as a focal point for the space:

Here’s a view upstage during one of the dress rehearsals:

And one that covers more of the playing space:

Devon’s Hurt

Posted in General Production, Scenic Painting, Student Work on November 12th, 2018 by Eric Appleton

And our second show of the semester was “Devon’s Hurt.” We do one performance on campus, and then tour it to area schools. This one had a student lighting designer, Megan Grove, creating her first realized lighting design. Here is the show in the Barnett Theatre in preset:

And two scenes:

And two photos taken by the student stage manager Michelle at two of the schools they toured to:

That’s director Kymberly Mellen there in the foreground watching the set up.

Love, Loss, and What I Wore

Posted in General Production, Lighting Design, Scenic Design on November 12th, 2018 by Eric Appleton

It’s been a hectic semester so far, and I haven’t had much time to post pictures from our last two shows. In fact, on the first show of the semester, “Love, Loss, and What I Wore,” I didn’t get the set dressing done until the afternoon we opened, so I never managed to get photos of the complete set during a run (or production photos for that matter.).

Still, in the spirit of catching up, here’s a photo of the finished half inch scale model. . .

And the set under preset lighting as we wait for tech to begin. That’s the back of director Angela Ianonne there on the left.

This is from final dress, and Gingy talks about her Brownie uniform. You can see the unfinished dress drawings hanging in the alcove, there, as well as the empty shelf cubes. . .

But, the audiences enjoyed the show and we did get the whole shebang done for opening!

Love, Loss, and What I Wore

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design on September 12th, 2018 by Eric Appleton

The semester has begun and so has construction on the first show of the season, “Love, Loss, and What I Wore.” First, a Sketchup rendering of the the set:

And now Intro to Theatre students and Shop Assistants legging platforms:

Two of the Intro students attaching masonite to the tops of some of the already legged platforms:

Abby, one of the shop assistants, building some of the small platforms:

And finally, shop assistant Megan working on some mirrored panels the shop has agreed to build for the marching band:

Dear Ruth

Posted in General Production, Production Photo on July 5th, 2018 by Eric Appleton

Our Summeround season hurtles forward, and we’ve already built, teched, and run our first offering, “Dear Ruth.” Here are a few photos from final tech:

First, the set under preset lights:

The moment when Miriam reveals that she’s been writing all those letters:

At night, the Judge chatting with Ruth and Bill:

When Ruth’s actual fiance breaksdown after being arrested for turn-style jumping: