It’s hard to believe that Summer is half gone already! Our first show of Summeround opens tomorrow night, and I must commend the students and recent graduates who have made the build and tech of this show really quite stress-free. Kudos to our technical director, Lilliana Gonzalez! Nathan Broege was the scenic painter on this one, and it was nice to work on a show where I barely had to pick up a brush! Megan Grove stage managed and worked in the shop! Sam Hess, lighting designer. Sam Bochat, props manager. Alden Swanson, ALD. Owen Poskin, sound engineer. Colin Grice, hair and make-up. Alexa Farrell, actor, carpenter, and assistant costume designer! Oh, and directed by Kym Mellen!
A mid-way construction pic, as the walls started going up:

This photo does not do justice to Nathan’s floor painting:

Lilliana and Megan work on the window sashes:

Alexa works on the front door flat, while Jamie cheers her on:

Installation of the front door flat:

Through this whole build, we are working around the construction, which is running ductwork from the newly remodeled print-making workroom in the basement through the costume and prop storage areas, up through the shop floor, and over through the shop ceiling:

Since the build was in Lilliana’s capable stewardship, I had time to build some mid-century-looking pieces that I couldn’t afford to buy and wouldn’t be able to transport. Two benches:

And a desk:

Nathan finishes up painting the vom entranceway:

A view from behind the tech table, as Kym adjusts something onstage:

And finally, a shot from last night’s dress rehearsal: