Tag: eric hess

Spring break alternatives: Making the most of your week at home

Spring break alternatives: Making the most of your week at home

By: Eric Hess A good amount of our friends will be heading somewhere warm for spring break, and while you may be regretting passing up the opportunity to go on vacation, I have some pretty great ideas to help fill your time.  I’m not talking 

Challenge by Choice – Group Fitness @ UW-Whitewater

Challenge by Choice – Group Fitness @ UW-Whitewater

By: Eric Hess When I first heard of the group fitness classes that are offered here at Whitewater, to be honest, I didn’t really think too much of them. I thought that they were only for people who aren’t really in shape and just needed 

Tips for acing finals

Tips for acing finals

FinalsBy: Eric Hess

While we are nearing the end of the semester and finals quickly approaching, many of people are going to be stressed out and it may seem like you won’t make it!  Chances are, you’re going to survive and here are some ways to help you through.

1. Create a schedule and stick to it. Schedule when you are going to study, when you are going to take breaks, when you are going to work out and whatever other commitments you may have. It is important to stick to a schedule and to not swamp yourself in studying. You need give your brain some rest and be realistic.

2. Eat healthy. If you eat like crap, you’re going to feel like crap. Which will make you less productive and sluggish. Exactly the opposite of how you want to feel during finals week. Rather than that bag of potatoes, grab some fresh vegetables!

3. Remember to set aside some time for your friends. Laughing is good and so is getting stuff off your chest. Don’t be so busy studying that you get stressed out and forget to spend time with the people that can help you out. You’ll go crazy and start talking to yourself otherwise.

4. Get proper amounts of sleep. It’s important to get your needed sleep. If you’re getting tired mid-day don’t be afraid to take a nap. A quick nap can do wonders for your studying. After you wake up of course.

5. Get some exercise. If you’re feeling stressed or just need a break, exercise could be exactly what you need. If working out or running isn’t quite your thing, we offer plenty of group fitness classes in the Williams Center including Yoga, Core Complete and Insanity if you’re up for the challenge.  

6. Back up your work! The last thing you need to add to the stress of finals week is getting almost done with that 10-page paper and boom…. your computer crashes and you lose everything. Utilize the auto save feature your computer probably has and save your work often.

7. Check your finals times! It may sound a little silly, but the last thing that you want to do is miss a final. Make sure that know when your finals are and make note of it. Don’t want all that hard work to go to waste.

Good luck to you all on your studying and finals! Remember you have almost a full month break after you make it through your finals! Remember to comment below your ways to retain your sanity during finals week.

-Yesterday you said tomorrow-

Scary truth about Halloween candy

Scary truth about Halloween candy

By: Eric Hess It was just Halloween weekend, and I’m sure we all did our fair share of candy consumption. Ever wonder how much work you’ll have to do to burn off that whole bag of candy that you just devoured? You might rethink your