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The ‘No Diet’ diet

The ‘No Diet’ diet

By: Mary Marren I recently started following a fitness guru on twitter. She tweeted about this 21-day diet where you don’t eat any sweets, chips, fast food, or drink anything but water. The first thing I thought to myself was that that would be a 

Staying fit freshman year

Staying fit freshman year

By: Kenzi Weidman Leaving home and starting college is never an easy thing to do, especially when it comes to making healthy choices all on your own. I grew up in a household where healthy food was the only thing in the fridge. It was 

Discover Whitewater Series

Discover Whitewater Series

Discover WW Series Photo1By: Mary Marren
This week I’d like to talk about the Discover Whitewater Series that took place in Whitewater on Sunday September 22nd, 2013. The event was put on by The Greater Whitewater Committee, Inc. and was open to the public to participate. The event was held according the official website, “To promote tourism to the city and show participants all that Whitewater has to offer.” Let me tell you, they pulled it off. Hundreds of people came out to participate in the half marathon, 5k, or Fit Kid Shuffle, and had a blast doing it.

Although I didn’t get the opportunity to participate this year, it was such a thrill to be able to go and support local members of the community! If getting to know your city better wasn’t enough incentive, the event also gave medals to all of the participates, as well as prizes for the top finishers. So my challenge to you is to sign up next year and rise to the occasion of competing in a local race. If you “like” the group “Run Whitewater” on Facebook, you can get updates on next year’s race and general running information. 

The races began at the Whitewater high school and led the participants through a scenic route of Whitewater including The University, Fairhaven’s Prairie Village, the Whitewater Industrial Park and Whitewater University Technology Park. This route allowed the participants to see more than just Main Street and really appreciate the beauty of Whitewater!

Discover WW Series Photo2If you have ever thought about signing up for a race but have felt a little bit too intimidated (like me), let me assure you that it is not intimidating at all. The whole event is filled with music, laughter, and you are greeted at the finish line with cheerful, clapping volunteers who hang a medal around your neck. People of all ages came out to the event to rise to the challenge, and when I say all ages I mean anywhere from 3 years old to 60+ years old. So do yourself a favor and don’t let fear hold you back. Give it a try; there was never any harm in trying!

The event donates all of the proceeds to “five local organizations in an effort to build a stronger community.” The Bethel House, UW-Whitewater Field & Cross Country, W3 (Working for Whitewater’s Wellness), Whitewater Unified School District and the Whitewater Aquatic Center.

Feeling interested and want to check it out for yourself? Visit their website today!

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong,
-Mary Marren

Health & Fitness in India – experiencing it first-hand

Health & Fitness in India – experiencing it first-hand

By: Abbey Bowen I spent a month of my summer in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India for an internship with a magazine called “Simply Jaipur.” I went toward the end of July and came back around the same time in August. It was honestly the most meaningful,