5 Tips & Benefits of Yoga and Meditation 

5 Tips & Benefits of Yoga and Meditation 

Yoga and meditation have many benefits, especially for stressed and tired college students. Within this blog there will be benefits, tips on how to begin, and guided videos linked to help you start. The key to both yoga and meditation is to be open minded 

The Benefits of Weight Lifting that No One Talks About

The Benefits of Weight Lifting that No One Talks About

As most of you probably know, weight lifting is a popular activity many people participate in when exercising at the gym. I myself try to weight lift at least three times a week to stay toned and continue to build muscle. However, I was totally 

Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

As the weather warms, the winter clutter and dirt can build up in your living space. Whether you live in a small apartment, house or a dorm room, spring cleaning can still be accomplished. Motivating yourself to clean can be quite difficult, but it can 

How Meal Planning Can Save Money

How Meal Planning Can Save Money

In a few of our previous blogs we have discussed great meal planning ideas. However, we have not touched on how meal planning is actually a great way to save money. As we know, eating healthy can be expensive at times. You want to fuel