Fitness Groupie

Fitness Groupie

It had been a long day, so heading into my final challenge at 7pm took a lot of motivation. I had never done Yoga before, and I was worried about the amount of people that would be there. If only one or two people showed 

Satisfying (and healthy) Summer Snacks!

Satisfying (and healthy) Summer Snacks!

Summer. Time to cut back on those late night binge snacks and constant, not so healthy, foods.  It’s when we all try and better what we eat and hit the gym a little more that usual to keep up the “summer bod.”  But sometimes it 

Summer Memories

Summer Memories

Finally, school is over and summer is right around the corner Warhawks! Now that we have less prioritizes on our plate, we are able to have a nice, relaxing, fun and safe summer. Summer always goes by so fast that it is hard to remember 

Summertime Madness

Summertime Madness

Transitioning from school to summer can be confusing and difficult, especially if you’re starting a summer job. During school you have a specific routine whether you know it or not. You had your school schedule for one, and on top of that I’m sure you