Spring break alternatives: Making the most of your week at home

Spring break alternatives: Making the most of your week at home

By: Eric Hess A good amount of our friends will be heading somewhere warm for spring break, and while you may be regretting passing up the opportunity to go on vacation, I have some pretty great ideas to help fill your time.  I’m not talking 

Ban “Bossy”

Ban “Bossy”

By: Abbey Bowen Hello, everyone! This week I’m taking a break from blogging about health and fitness to address an important topic brought to my attention recently. Some of the most powerful women in the world, including Beyonce, Condoleezza Rice and First Lady Michelle Obama, 

Sun, Sand, & Safety – A guide for Spring Break Survival

Sun, Sand, & Safety – A guide for Spring Break Survival

By: Kenzi Weidman Who is excited for some sunshine, beaches, good beverages, and good company? I sure am. Spending a week with new people, new surroundings, and new experiences is exactly what Spring Break is about! But don’t forget one thing…. SAFETY! Here are some 

The Chew on Eating Disorders

The Chew on Eating Disorders

By: Abbey Bowen Eating disorders…two words we hear in passing on a constant basis. “He’s anorexic,” or “So and so used to have bulimia when she was in college.” Even though we constantly hear about our colleagues and friends who may suffer from eating disorders,