Author: Elizabeth Sweet

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 5

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 5

Summer is unfortunately coming to a close. However, we have one more blog that is a part of this series, which is the one you are reading right now! The past four blogs we have been discussing summer activity ideas you can do alone or 

Make Your Impact on Summer 2022. Pt. 4

Make Your Impact on Summer 2022. Pt. 4

This is part 4 of Make Your Impact on Summer 2022 series which will continue until school starts up again in the fall. This series is all about doing things for yourself and just simply trying to improve your wellbeing. It can be very difficult 

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 4

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 4

Towards the beginning of the summer I started a blog series for the summer called “Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer”. Well, today we are back with part four of this series! Luckily, there are an abundance of activities to do, especially with the summer upon us. As always, I try to make these activities outdoors based! This is because it is important to get your vitamin D, and to soak up the sun as much as we can before the dreadful winter is here once again. Today I will be sharing four summer activities I recommend you take part in this summer. If you are looking for more ideas make sure to check out our previous blogs on our website, or by clicking here. Once again, remember to tag us on our social media platforms if you take part in any of our fun summer activity ideas listed below. Our instagram page is @recsports_uww. Find us on Facebook by searching UW-Whitewater Rec Sports or by clicking here to view our summer content for all branches of Rec Sports. 

Health and Wellness Activities That Will Help You Stay Active This Summer: 

Going Mini Golfing 

○ Mini golfing is one of my all time favorite summer activities hands down. My family and I love to have a mini golf outing during the summertime. It’s great because by the time my family is off of work the sun starts to set and it is the perfect temperature to golf. 

Gardening in your Backyard 

○ Gardening is not only a great hobby to start up, but it is also a very healthy thing to do! You get to enjoy yummy food that is fresh from your own

garden. That is not only so satisfying, but great for your health! 

Roller Blading 

○ Roller blading is something I was really into in high school, but that I want to also get back into this summer. It definitely takes some practice to get the hang of it, but once you do it is almost therapeutic in a way. Especially if you listen to music while rollerblading it is a great time! 

Have a Bonfire with friends and family 

○ After a long day, bonfires are a great way to wind down. Not only that, but smores are some of the best desserts to eat and they’re the best at a bonfire! Just typing this makes me want to have one tonight! 

We encourage you to participate in these activities with or without friends and family. Many of these ideas can be done solo for days when you are looking for alone time, or you can do them if all of your close peers are busy. Next week I plan to incorporate ideas that you are able to do when the weather is not so great! Hope you enjoyed part four of this summer series, stay healthy and safe! 

Do not get discouraged, 

Cora Shircel

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 3

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 3

We are back again with our blog series titled “Health and Wellness Activities forthe Summer”. This is part three of the summer blog series so make sure you go checkthe first two before reading this by going to the main page of our website or