University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Marketing Committee

Whitewater Wonderland

For many students, winter in Wisconsin can lead to a case of cabin fever extending for months on end. The world around you looks like a Winter Wonderland movie scene, but how do you enjoy it? For some, your weeks… Continue Reading →

How to Wrap Presents Like a Pro

So, you’ve ordered all your friends’ gifts and gotten them in the mail well before Christmas. You got each of them something that they’ve been talking about all year. Awesome! But there’s one small problem, the only way you’re able… Continue Reading →

Ways to Save Money in College

College can be the most exciting and fun times of your life… until you’re taking quarters out of your laundry funds to pay for your Qdoba.  However, there are many ways to save some extra coin throughout your college career…. Continue Reading →

Why Haunted Houses Are the Worst

Halloween is just around the corner, which means haunted houses are up and running! Some people really get into this holiday and love every second of it, while others (such as myself) hate it. I’m not saying I hate Halloween… Continue Reading →


Everyone loves pie…but what is the best pie this time of year? Cherry? Apple? Pecan? Check out the link below to find out!

Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Ever wanted to dress up as your favorite fruit for Halloween but you don’t want to knock everyone over with your giant strawberry costume? Then look no further! These fruit costumes are super adorable and easy to make! All you… Continue Reading →

Top 5 Tips for Living Off-Campus

The dorms can be a blast for incoming freshman at a university, but the real excitement comes when you are all set up to live in an apartment or house for your remaining years in college. No quiet hours, no… Continue Reading →

Hulu vs. Netflix

It’s that time of year again. Summer. The time where you get a break from all the studying for classes and taking exams (unless you have a summer class, then good luck to you!) It’s also the time of year… Continue Reading →

Signing Your First Lease!

So you just signed the lease with a few of your best college buddies and you’re looking forward to your first year living off campus. First, congratulations! It’s an exciting time and a huge step towards becoming an adult. Second,… Continue Reading →

UC Food Critics

841 Brewhouse Don’t let the simple name of Pub Burger from 841 Brewhouse fool you. The flavors of this meaty beast are quite complex. To increase both the size and flavor of the Pub Burger, I ordered it as a… Continue Reading →

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