Tuesday, April 25th, 2017...9:42 pm

Summer Workouts

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Summer is coming up on us fast! Summer is the time where athletes really get the chance to work on their craft. As a student-athlete we are finally finished with the “student” part so now we can emphasis the “athlete” part. Using the summer to your advantage is very important. The summer is your time to really focus on lifting and getting yourself stronger and faster.


Summer workouts are usually different from your in season workouts and are often heavier so that your muscles can grow more and so you can become more competitive. The problem with summer though is that a lot of us, including myself before, use summer as a time to be bums. Bumming it in the summer is not a good idea.

It’s not a good idea because summer gives you about two months of pure training and lifting goals. I highly recommend you practice some self-discipline and see you where this upcoming summer can take your athletic goals. You will reap the benefits of your hard-work this upcoming season.

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