Category Archives: around the world

As If You Needed Another Reason…

The New York Times is reporting that changing scenery when studying benefits the student. The article discusses study habits and the current research being done by cognitive psychologists that is challenging age-old notions of the ‘right way to learn.’ Investigators … Continue reading

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Ultimate History Quiz

The History Channel dares you to try its “Ultimate History Quiz.” Ten questions to every game. Twenty seconds to answer each question. The faster you answer, the higher your score. But no pressure. Really. Need to brush up? Andersen Library … Continue reading

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Constitution & Citizenship Day

Fri., Sept. 17, is Constitution Day, anniversary of the day Constitutional Convention delegates signed the U.S. Constitution in 1787. Once ratified by the states, it established the federal government we know today. I’ll bet there’s a lot about this document … Continue reading

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Keeping up with the news?

It’s important to look up from your textbooks once in a while…so here’s a weekly quiz to see if you know what’s been going on lately around the country and the world! It’s “Calling All Newshounds” from USA Today. If … Continue reading

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Google Speeds Up

Tired of waiting for your Google search results? Well, Google read your mind! According to the CNN Tech article “New Google Instant shows search results as you type,” Google rolled out Google Instant in the U.S. yesterday. As you type … Continue reading

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Library. Fast Food Joint. Same thing.

For a bit of light-hearted Friday fun: [youtube][/youtube] This would make our library so much better if we served a side of fries with your books. =) Thanks to Denise for the link!

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Is the Web Donezo?

Real quick: is the web donezo (or is it donzo)? Carol and Martha forwarded a few interesting articles – one from Wired Magazine and the other from BoingBoing – about the death of the Web. The two discuss the death … Continue reading

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Notable Internet News Bites

A couple of interesting Internet-related news bites that came out last week. Not surprisingly, Google is involved with both: Net Neutrality Was Fun While It Lasted News broke on Wednesday of a deal between Verizon and Google that would create … Continue reading

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Another Plagiarism Post

I can’t help it. My friends keep sharing great articles about plagiarism (on Facebook, of all places), and I feel compelled to share them on here. Another article from the New York Times highlights the growing concern of plagiarism on … Continue reading

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Dr. Who & the Library

OK, Library lovers, here’s some Friday fun: A video inspired by Dr. Who and dedicated to the love of libraries. And if you’re into the BBC’s Dr. Who series, Andersen Library has videos for you! Check out the 2nd-floor Browsing … Continue reading

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