Category Archives: around the world

Education & Dementia

According to ScienceDaily’s article “Why More Education Lowers Dementia Risk,” “studies on dementia have consistently showed that the more time you spend in education, the lower your risk of dementia. For each additional year of education there is an 11% … Continue reading

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“Monkey” trial anniversary

Heard of the Scopes “Monkey” trial (aka The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes)? On July 21, 1925 schoolteacher John T. Scopes was found guilty of violating Tennessee’s Anti-Evolution Act, which outlawed teaching evolution in public schools. The verdict was set … Continue reading

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Are You Prepared?

Coming to college can seem like a daunting task. It’s not like grade school where you pick up the school supplies and head to Target. You’ve got to pack up your whole life and move to a faraway place (or … Continue reading

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Ctrl+X → Ctrl+V

Technology is great, isn’t it? Back in the day (not that long ago), doing research for a paper meant pulling a book off the shelf, photocopying pages from a journal, breaking out a highlighter, all in the name of referencing … Continue reading

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Politics: There’s No More Deniability

If you’re a typical UW-W undergraduate, every congressional session that occured during your entire life time is available gratis online. What a bargain! C-Span has put their archives on the web for free. The three C-SPAN cable channels, which cover … Continue reading

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New Google Scholar Feature

One of the ways of judging the impact of an article/author is to look at the numbers of times that article/author has been cited by others. If you’ve used Google Scholar before, you may have noticed that part of the … Continue reading

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Scientists Behaving Badly

When you think of plagiarism, you tend to think of students frantically trying to finish a paper at the last minute, choosing to ‘borrow’ a paragraph or two from some of the research that they found. But scientists? Professional researchers … Continue reading

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Katharine Hepburn

On this day (June 29) in 2003, one of the great actresses passed away: Katharine Hepburn. In her honor, you could check out some books and movies from Andersen Library! Search the HALCat online catalog to find, for example, biographies … Continue reading

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And you thought you needed new shoes

Here’s an argument to use the next time you need to defend buying a pair of high quality (read: expensive) leather shoes: they might cost a lot, but they’ll last 5,000 years. Archaeologists excavating a cave in Armenia recently discovered … Continue reading

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The Death of the Library

Don’t worry – this is not an obituary for the Andersen Library. The library is dying. To some, it’s already dead. To Delia Lloyd of Politics Daily, our society is in for a world of hurt if libraries go by … Continue reading

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