Resort 76

Posted in Uncategorized on September 5th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Since May, we’ve been working on designs for a production of Shimon Wencelberg’s “Resort 76.” Now that school has started, we’re plunging right into rehearsals. Since May and during the summer, I’ve been working on the set design, and coordinating with a scaffold company on all the bits we’ll need.

Bruce Cohen, the director, is going for an immersive experience for the audience, so we’ve pulled the seating into the middle of the space and surrounded the audience with the action. We’re collaborating with the music and art departments on projections and soundscaping.

Here’s an early preliminary sketch of the center section:

And a work up in Sketchup to plan with the scaffolding company:

With the various levels that the scaffolding provides, it was important to put together a model to have in rehearsal. We’ll also be using it to guide the assembly of the scaffold once it’s delivered.

And here’s the model in its state of completion for first rehearsal.

Renaissance Theatreworks Br!nk Festival

Posted in Uncategorized on September 5th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Last night, Renaissance Theatreworks from Milwaukee brought a staged reading to UW-Whitewater as part of the Br!nk Festival, which develops the work of Midwestern women playwrights. We had the pleasure of being the audience for Karen Saarie’s “Rain on Fire.” Here’s artistic director Suzan Fete getting the ball rolling.

A photo of the reading, in progress:

And the discussion afterwards:

Blithe Spirit

Posted in General Production, Production Photo, Scenic Design, Student Work on September 4th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Summeround ended, and the school year started and I realized I hadn’t yet posted any photos of the final product of “Blithe Spirit.” So, here are a few photos of the final dress rehearsal:

Set by me, lighting design by student Samuel Hess, technical director recent student Lilliana Gonzalez, hair and makeup by recent student Colin Grice, stage managed by Abby Smith-Lezama, assistant costume design by student Alexa Farrell, scenic painting by student Nathan Broege, sound by student Owen Poskin.

Blithe Spirit

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting, Student Work on July 9th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Construction continues on “Blithe Spirit!”

Here is TD Lilliana installing baseboard, next to the unpainted fireplace.

It’s also light hang day. Student lighting designer Sam is augmenting his rep plot. Here’s Alexa, hanging a light behind the set:

And Sam himself atop a ladder:

I took the fireplace back into the shop to add the trim to create the look of inset panels:

And then gave it a wash of paint before a coat of stain/sealer:

I added the hedgerow on the bottom of the sky flat that morning, and here’s Nathan helping to install it:

A backstage view of the flat installation:

“Mary, Mary” and “Blithe Spirit”

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting, Student Work on July 8th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

“Mary, Mary,” has opened and closed! The audiences enjoyed it, we had pretty full houses, and from all reports, smooth running. Here are a few photos from final dress:

We are now in the midst of conversion to “Blithe Spirit.” The plan has been to keep the walls up, repaint them, turn some of the doors into the bookshelves, move the window to a different door opening, and add a fireplace. Exterior flats get repainted as well.

Here’s TD Lilliana working on a table that wobbled:

The walls, repainted to a cheery yellow:

Working on the sky of the garden flat:

My project last week was to build the fireplace. Here’s the start:

And a little further along:

Mary, Mary

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Student Work on June 24th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

It’s hard to believe that Summer is half gone already! Our first show of Summeround opens tomorrow night, and I must commend the students and recent graduates who have made the build and tech of this show really quite stress-free. Kudos to our technical director, Lilliana Gonzalez! Nathan Broege was the scenic painter on this one, and it was nice to work on a show where I barely had to pick up a brush! Megan Grove stage managed and worked in the shop! Sam Hess, lighting designer. Sam Bochat, props manager. Alden Swanson, ALD. Owen Poskin, sound engineer. Colin Grice, hair and make-up. Alexa Farrell, actor, carpenter, and assistant costume designer! Oh, and directed by Kym Mellen!

A mid-way construction pic, as the walls started going up:

This photo does not do justice to Nathan’s floor painting:

Lilliana and Megan work on the window sashes:

Alexa works on the front door flat, while Jamie cheers her on:

Installation of the front door flat:

Through this whole build, we are working around the construction, which is running ductwork from the newly remodeled print-making workroom in the basement through the costume and prop storage areas, up through the shop floor, and over through the shop ceiling:

Since the build was in Lilliana’s capable stewardship, I had time to build some mid-century-looking pieces that I couldn’t afford to buy and wouldn’t be able to transport. Two benches:

And a desk:

Nathan finishes up painting the vom entranceway:

A view from behind the tech table, as Kym adjusts something onstage:

And finally, a shot from last night’s dress rehearsal:

Angel Street

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design, Student Work on May 3rd, 2019 by Eric Appleton

It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of the Spring semester! “Angel Street” opened on Tuesday and will close on Sunday. Then clean up, and then on to the summer shows, which include “Mary, Mary” and “Blithe Spirit.”

Our production of “Angel Street” was directed by Kymberly Mellen, with student lighting designer Nicolas Sole, and stage managed by student Alex Carey. I did the scenery, and Marshall Anderson designed the costumes. Sound was designed, with original music composed, by student Jonathan Mickel.

A few photos from final dress:

The set under work lights:

Kym added a little vignette that precipitates the action of the play, the little old lady that Mr. Manningham murders ten years earlier:

Mr. and Mrs. Manningham, at the top of the play:

Mr. Manningham leaves to go to the club. Mrs. Manningham has an episode:

Inspector Rough arrives, to voice his suspicions about Mr. Manningham:

The end of act one. Mrs. Manningham heads up to her bedroom:

Mr. Manningham returns and lights the lamps:

Angel Street

Posted in General Production, Scenic Design on April 29th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

Technical rehearsals for “Angel Street” began this past Friday. Here are a few photos from that first night.

The set under worklights. You can tell there’s still a lot of detail work to be done.

The top of the show, from behind the tech table. That’s the head of director Kym Mellen there on the left.

This tech table shot includes stage manager Alex Carey on the left, and light board operator Siena (as well as Kym, again).

The set is framed by two ‘exterior’ flats that I painted last week. They turned out pretty decent. I’m particular happy with the “Room to Let” sign.

Angel Street

Posted in Scenic Design, Scenic Painting, Student Work on March 7th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

As mentioned in the last post, I just finished drafting the set design for Angel Street. Since we were also in the midst of “Triumph of Love” I didn’t have much time to work up a detailed virtual model, but here’s an idea of what we’re heading for:

Megan has taken on the role of assistant scenic designer, and one of her recent assignments was to work up the paint treatments for the walls. Here she is with the first iteration of colors:

Scenic Painting Seminar

Posted in Scenic Painting, Student Work on March 7th, 2019 by Eric Appleton

“Triumph of Love” is done and struck, and Dancescapes is now in production. I just finished drafting “Angel Street.” More about all of those in another post, soon!

In the meantime, here are Megan and Nathan with their completed Brick projects for the scenic painting seminar:

And a shot of Megan practicing her graining, for the coming wainscotting project!