
Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on May 16th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Distributing the groundplan for “Deathtrap” this morning. This is one of the UW-Whitewater Summeround shows. Since the Hicklin theatre will be down for renovations, and the house of the Barnett will also be having renovations, we will be staging both this and “Muskie Love” in the round on the stage of the Barnett. For a play like “Deathtrap” it means making some decisions of expedience. . .

Midsummer in Midwinter

Posted in Lighting Design, Production Photo on May 9th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Here are a few pictures from last night’s final dress rehearsal of Theatre Gigante’s “Midsummer in Midwinter.” We open tonight. Written by Isabelle Krajl and Mark Anderson, directed by Isabelle Krajl, a little buit of set help from me (as much as could be done), and my lighting design using the space’s rep plot (and as much as could be added. . . which wasn’t much.

Midsummer in Midwinter

Posted in General Production, Lighting Design on May 8th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Tech week continues for Theatre Gigante’s “Midsummer in Midwinter.” Here’s the stage under worklights as we get ready to roll. There are two musicians who spend the show on the small platform up right. The two blonde chairs up left were set there both as symbol and to balance against the musicians. We’re cutting those. The columns (there are four, one at each corner of the playing space) are the only things we are allowed to alter, so we’ve painted them to look like the design on the posters. I traced out the trees, and actor and company co-founder Mark has been filling them in with brown paint.

Here we are in preset, with stage manager Therese answering dancer Edwin’s question. That’s Bo on the right.

And here’s my tech table. The “booth” is a table set off in the corner with just enough space for the SM and sound and light operators. There are no head sets. So I’m tucked up in a corner with a clip light and my script, furiously taking notes which we then put into the board at the end of the evening. Not the first time, won’t be the last.

Come Back

Posted in Scenic Design on May 7th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

While deep in the last week of classes, and in the middle of “Midsummer in Midwinter” tech, we have another production meeting tomorrow for the first show of the Fall, Neil Haven’s “Come Back.” Here’s a sketch of where I seem to be heading. One of the goals is not to bite off too much to chew, kind of like we did with “Dracula” back in September. . .

Midsummer in Midwinter

Posted in General Production, Lighting Design on May 6th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Getting ready for a run through for Theatre Gigante’s “Midsummer in Midwinter.” It’s being mounted in a black box space at the UW-Milwaukee’s Peck Center for the Arts. We open this Friday and Monday night was our first rehearsal in the space. I spent the afternoon finishing focus and getting the fabric hung — it’s a small show with a negligble budget. The lighting is pretty much the fixed rep plot (which we’re not allowed to move) and about 12 more dimmers (1.2 k) with a handful of assorted units from their storeroom.

This is the tech table/booth back in the corner, with Sam, the sound operator killing a bit of time.

Midsummer in Midwinter

Posted in Lighting Design on May 1st, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Now that “Romeo and Juliet” is up and running, I’m moving onto a show in Milwaukee at Theatre Gigante, “Midsummer in Midwinter.” Their regular lighting design, Rick Graham, was unable to take on this show, so I was asked to come on board. I last worked with Theatre Gigante back in 1998 on their dance version of “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Back then, they were known as Milwaukee Dance Theatre. After classes, I’ve been driving out to watch rehearsals (we load in on Sunday night). Here’s our stage manager, Therese, at the rehearsal table.

Nate the Dragon

Posted in Uncategorized on April 30th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Today we had our first production meeting for the Fall children’s show, “Nate the Dragon.” It’s about a young dragon learns who he is, and everyone around him learning the value in valuing weirdness. It’s also the second Neil Haven play we’re doing this coming semester.

Romeo and Juliet

Posted in General Production, Production Photo, Scenic Design, Student Work on April 29th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Some production photos from last night’s final dress rehearsal. My set, lighting by student Nick Skaja, costume design by Marshall Anderson, sound design by student Joe Berman, directed by Angela Iannone, assistant director Jen Samson, Keri Ryan and Alyssa Krantz props artisans. Marguerite Frey, stage manager.

Benvolio and Romeo.

Lady Capulet, the Nurse, and Juliet.

The Nurse and the Montague toughs.

Benvolio and Mercutio getting ready for the fight with Tybalt.

Mercutio stabbed.

Nurse delivers the bad news to Juliet.


The Capulets decide to marry Juliet off to Paris.

Juliet is told she’ll marry Paris.

Romeo about to drink poison.

Romeo drag Juliet out of the tomb.

Juliet and Romeo, dead.

Romeo and Juliet

Posted in General Production, Production Photo, Scenic Design on April 28th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Some images from today’s dress rehearsal. My set, student Nick Skaja’s lighting design, faculty member Marshall Anderson’s costume design, students Keri Ryan and Alyssa Krantz as prop artisans, and even though you can’t hear it, sound design by student Joe Berman. Directed by Angela Ianonne, with student AD, Jen Samson.

Since Angela had a performance today,. here is Jen giving notes to the cast after rehearsal.

Romeo and Juliet

Posted in Frantic Carpentry, General Production, Scenic Design, Scenic Painting on April 24th, 2014 by Eric Appleton

Things are getting more exciting than they should be. Our TD is out having surgery, so I’m finishing up the set in his stead. Because of other professional commitments, our director can only attend a single tech rehearsal, which has been rescheduled for bright and early Saturday morning. Oh, and the student assistant technical director is out with the stomach flu.

Meanwhile. . .

. . .the afternoon dry tech. Student lighting designer Nick, student stage manager Marguerite, and student sound designer Joe put things together at the tech table.

I used the Intro to Tech class today to get the rest of the over head truss pieces put together, the wooden railings assembled, and a push to get the upstage structure in place.