Tag: MentalHealth

Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks

As the weather warms, the winter clutter and dirt can build up in your living space. Whether you live in a small apartment, house or a dorm room, spring cleaning can still be accomplished. Motivating yourself to clean can be quite difficult, but it can 

Spring Break is right around the corner… but first midterms

Spring Break is right around the corner… but first midterms

Spring break is almost here, but midterms sadly come before we can relax for a whole week. Whether they are cumulative midterm exams, unit exams, or big papers, it can add up quickly and be a heavy workload all at once. A lot of assignments 

Keeping a Healthy Mindset

Keeping a Healthy Mindset

This week instead of focusing on physical health we will be dedicating this blog to speaking
about mental health. Last week our blog mentioned seven of the best workouts for seasonal
depression. If you missed that blog make sure to click here to read! In today’s blog we will be
talking about ways to keep a healthy mindset during the months that seasonal depression is
most prevalent. Season depression occurs in climates that experience cold weather and less
sunlight at certain times of the year. This form of depression is very common and includes
symptoms such as fatigue, social withdrawal, and hopelessness. Below is a list of ways to keep
your mindset in a positive place and try to avoid these feelings. Remember if you are ever
struggling and need someone to talk to do not be afraid to reach out to a medical professional.

Ways to Combat Seasonal Depression:

● Journal
○ Writing down your feelings can be a great way to really understand how you feel.
This can also help you to know ways in which you can make yourself feel better.
Not only that, but this gives you the opportunity to track your progress and growth
and find inspiration for new things. Hopefully along the way this will reduce
feelings of stress and anxiety.

● Speak with family, friends, or a professional
○ Another great way to get your feelings out is talking to people. Some people
prefer to keep their feelings to themselves, but oftentimes this can lead to your
emotions becoming bottled up. Talking with someone you trust is a good way to
express yourself and not feel so alone.

● Practice mindfulness
○ There are multiple ways in which you can practice mindfulness. One of my
personal favorite ways to practice mindfulness is trying to be present in
the moment. Treat yourself the way you would want to be treated, pay
attention and take things slow, and focus on breathing.

● Exercise
○ Getting out of the house in order to be active is never a bad thing. Not once have I
ever gone to workout and regretted it. It is always good to stay active because it
is great for your physical health and it is an easy way to take your mind off of
things. It can be as simple as a walk outside to get some fresh air.

● Focus on unfocusing
○ Let your mind wander to things that do not bring stress to your mind. Relax and

These are just a few steps you can take to keep a healthy mindset. Remember, it is normal to
not be 100% happy all of the time. But, there are ways you can combat feelings of sadness.
Remember to take it easy on yourself. Seasonal depression is a very common illness and is
treatable. Talk to a professional if you feel it is necessary.

Do not get discouraged,

Cora Shircel

7 of the Best Workouts for Seasonal Depression

7 of the Best Workouts for Seasonal Depression

As we are experiencing fall here in Wisconsin, it’s starting to get colder, the days are shorter, and our moods and bodies are affected. Sometimes the last thing we want to do, especially in winter, is workout. We feel saddened and working out seems harder