Spring Break is right around the corner… but first midterms

Spring break is almost here, but midterms sadly come before we can relax for a whole week. Whether they are cumulative midterm exams, unit exams, or big papers, it can add up quickly and be a heavy workload all at once. A lot of assignments are due right before break including midterm exams. In this blog, I will discuss ways to help you organize and prepare for your midterms, stay relaxed, and how to be mentally healthy to conquer your midterms!
How to Prepare and Study?
Make a Study Schedule
Write out each day of what you will prepare and study. Pace it back to about 10 days prior to the exam date. It should look something like this:
- Monday
- Make math study guide
- Make biology study guide
- Begin marketing midterm paper (1st page)
- Tuesday
- Study math study guide
- Study biology study guide
- Make history study guide
- Make psychology study guide
- Marketing midterm paper (2nd page)
- Wednesday
- Study math study guide & PowerPoints
- Study biology study guide & PowerPoints
- Study history study guide
- Study psychology study guide
- Marketing midterm paper (3rd page)
Continue for all your study days 10 days prior to the exam date. Make it your own but planning out a checklist for each day of what you want to complete on that day can keep you on track to ace all your exams! Make sure you follow it as you made it knowing your capabilities!
Create your own study guide
- Sometimes professors provide study guides but make it your own. Generally, those study guides provided don’t cover all the detailed understanding of the topics so include not just definitions but also a deep understanding of topics.
Start early
- Beginning at least a week before the day of the exam, will help you remember more of the topics rather than trying to cram. Many professors do not provide study materials until the week before so go through your notes and PowerPoints to make a brief guide and then use the professor’s study guides to compare to yours.
Study right
- Depending on the subject, different study techniques for different topics will enhance your studying. If you are struggling with definitions, try flash cards or making a Quizlet. Study with a group in the same class as you, explain and teach concepts to one another, or quiz each other or yourself with exam questions you make to study the type of questions that are on the exam.
Take Breaks and Relax
Take study breaks
- There is no use in trying to memorize all the content at once because you will struggle on exam day. So, take breaks enough for you to be able to recharge. Either take short 10–15-minute breaks once every hour or take one hour breaks every 3 hours of studying. Take what you need to recharge, just don’t procrastinate, and take a longer break than you planned.
- You can use this time to watch some tv, clean up your room, eat some snacks or a meal, meditate, go for a walk, organize your desk, do some yoga etc.
Get good sleep
- Go to bed at a decent time to get at least 8 hours of sleep when studying and especially the night before an exam. Having a restful mind can help your mental capacity and memorization ability.
If you want some more tips check out this link, it has a lot more tips on how you can organize your study plan! Good luck on your exams and have a restful spring break!
Strive for progress not perfection!
Kayla Withrow