How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

How Social Media Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

In today’s day and age social media is a large part of our society and culture. Social media can be beneficial in many ways. It can help people reach job opportunities they never thought were possible, connect with people all around the world, provide us 

5 Tips to Help You Handle Stress During Finals Week

5 Tips to Help You Handle Stress During Finals Week

As finals week is among us, college students feel overwhelmed and stressed to the point that they lose sleep, overeat or stop eating, and experience high levels of anxiety. This blog is designated to help you not avoid your stress but handle the high levels 

Simple Endurance Workouts

Simple Endurance Workouts

Performing endurance activities and exercises is important for a variety of reasons. This type of exercise specifically keeps your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and running properly. Additionally, making these types of exercises a part of your daily routine improves your overall fitness and 

Stay Healthy this Winter

Stay Healthy this Winter

As winter comes closer and closer, staying healthy and keeping up with our workout routines can seem more difficult than usual. The cold can make us want to ditch our healthy eating habits, reduce the amount we are exercising, or not being outside in the