5 Reasons to Try out a Group Fitness Class

5 Reasons to Try out a Group Fitness Class

Fitness classes are offered at many gyms and fitness centers, but group fitness classes are offered right here on the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus! These classes are offered for free (membership included in your tuition fees) and all you have to do is register your 

Simple Endurance Workouts

Simple Endurance Workouts

Performing endurance activities and exercises is important for a variety of reasons. This type of exercise specifically keeps your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy and running properly. Additionally, making these types of exercises a part of your daily routine improves your overall fitness and 

Simple Upper Body Strength Exercises

Simple Upper Body Strength Exercises

Hello everyone and happy fall! We are near the time of the year where it starts to get cold outside. For most of us, living in Wisconsin in the winters can be unbearable at points. Unfortunately, that means no outdoor activities or workouts until the 

FALL into a Morning and Night Routine

FALL into a Morning and Night Routine

As a college student it can be so difficult to have a set time to wake up and go to bed. It’s easy to wake up 20 minutes before class and quickly throw some sweats on to get to class just in time. Even if