7 of the Best Workouts for Seasonal Depression

7 of the Best Workouts for Seasonal Depression

As we are experiencing fall here in Wisconsin, it’s starting to get colder, the days are shorter, and our moods and bodies are affected. Sometimes the last thing we want to do, especially in winter, is workout. We feel saddened and working out seems harder 

Easy and Healthy Fall Recipes

Easy and Healthy Fall Recipes

A few weeks ago we talked about healthy eating in the season of autumn in a blog titled, “Hello,Autumn and Healthy Eating”. Well, in today’s blog we are going to continue with this theme ofhealthy eating by sharing some of our favorite and simple recipes 

Making Self-Care a Priority

Making Self-Care a Priority

Practicing self-care is not always an easy task when we have everything else going on in the world and our daily lives. Between school, work, and every other thing we must do in a day, it’s easy to look past taking care of ourselves.  You 

5 No-Equipment Workouts

5 No-Equipment Workouts

With the unfortunate impacts COVID-19 has had on the world, at home workouts have becomeincreasingly popular. I know from personal experience there are so many different movementsand exercises you can do that require no equipment. Even small gym equipment like dumbbellsand yoga mats can get