Journaling for your Mental Health
Journaling can be seen as a chore or something people do as part of their therapy. Journaling is beneficial to everyone, just to be able to write down, draw, or speak all the thoughts going on in your head. Psychology today says that “You may feel that journaling is just one more thing taking time out of your day. However, once you start journaling and reflecting on what you wrote, journaling will help you more with their time management and efficiency.” In this blog, I will describe tips to journaling and how to get yourself started. Remember everyone is different and everyone has different methods to letting their thoughts out! Give it time and be patient!

- Let go of any rules
- Your journal is yours. There is no wrong time or amount that you must journal, but evidence shows that the more you journal the better you will feel. You know yourself best when you feel better, you reap the benefits.
- Blogger tip: I am someone who needs a plan and organization, but when I journal, I use arrows and write all over and use diagrams all over my notebook paper. Let go and allow all your emotions to be put down on paper! I feel fulfilled once my paper is filled with words and charts!
- Your journal is yours. There is no wrong time or amount that you must journal, but evidence shows that the more you journal the better you will feel. You know yourself best when you feel better, you reap the benefits.
- Write anywhere and anything
- A common misconception is you must write in a notebook, much less thinking about what you should write. The point of journaling is to get your thoughts out into words whether that is in a notebook or even your notes app on your phone. Begin by writing what you are most conflicted by in your mind and let your thoughts travel as you write.
- Blogger tip: I enjoy writing in a notebook so all my journal entries are in one book and I can look back at how I have grown. If I am away from my journal at the time, I will use my notes on my phone or a random piece of paper and put it in my journal later.
- A common misconception is you must write in a notebook, much less thinking about what you should write. The point of journaling is to get your thoughts out into words whether that is in a notebook or even your notes app on your phone. Begin by writing what you are most conflicted by in your mind and let your thoughts travel as you write.
- Find a peaceful setting
- A lot of emotions are relieved during journaling so start in a peaceful and quiet place. Turn away all distractions and go somewhere you find calming and where you can’t be bothered.
- Blogger tip: I put my phone aside and only focus on writing all the thoughts going through my head and what I am feeling emotionally unbalanced with at the time.
- A lot of emotions are relieved during journaling so start in a peaceful and quiet place. Turn away all distractions and go somewhere you find calming and where you can’t be bothered.
Just remember your journal is your own. You can write or draw whatever thoughts are in your mind, whenever you desire and how you want to get those emotions out. I am very OCD with notetaking, and I scribble to get all my thoughts down at once. Journaling not only helps you to get your emotions out on paper and organize your thoughts, but can improve your sleep, relationships, relieve stress and allows you to self-reflect. Journaling can be very helpful to you and your mental health, try it out and see if you feel just a little bit better!
If you are interested in learning more about journaling or would like a journaling prompt, click here.
Strive for progress not perfection!
Kayla Withrow