University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag Getting U Connected

6 Best Road Trip Games

It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to Florida, New Orleans, or Las Vegas. Long, boring car rides get the best of us. One of the fastest ways to make the time pass is to keep your mind active. 1) For starters,… Continue Reading →

The Budget Traveler

Looking for an adventure this summer? As college students, it can be very difficult to not only find time but also find money to go on a trip. Here are a few tips that could possibly save you a big… Continue Reading →

Why Study Abroad?

You often hear people say that studying abroad would be an amazing experience. Only a small hand full of these students, actually DO go abroad. In fact, according to a NAFSA study only about 1.5% of students in higher education… Continue Reading →

How To “Workout” Your Resolution

With the New Year in session, everyone has some sort of New Year Resolution. There are many different types of New Year resolutions that students would love to accomplish for the year. Admit it you’ve had a resolution, but somehow… Continue Reading →

Tips for a Successful Career Fair

As many of you may know, the annual Spring Career Fair is this Wednesday, February 10. If you didn’t already know, you should be thankful I told you. This is an amazing opportunity for those who want to land the… Continue Reading →

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