University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag college

How to Organize Your Busy Schedule

Get a Planner! It might seem cliché, but using a planner is one of the easiest ways to stay organized! I use a planner for both school and work, and I can’t tell you how many times it has saved… Continue Reading →

Top 5 Tips for Incoming Students at UW-W

I know coming to a new school either as a transfer student or incoming freshman is scary. It’s a new chapter in your life and you don’t know what to expect. Being a Junior here at UW-W, I have seen… Continue Reading →

New Semester Resolutions

There is always room for improvement when it comes to study habits. With the new year and new semester starting, below are some tips for you to incorporate into the following semesters! The best part is, these are habits you’ll… Continue Reading →

Career Fair 101

Whether you are just starting as a college freshman or are getting ready for graduation, attending the career fair is very important. Attending the career fair is a good way to not only look for job opportunities, but to practice… Continue Reading →

How to Make the Most of Your First Month of College

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The leaves are beginning to change color, the students are arriving back to campus, and there are only days left until homework begins again. Luckily, there are different ways to get the most out of your first month back on… Continue Reading →

How to Prepare Your Parent for College

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Going away to college can be scary not only for the student, but for the parents too! There are hundreds of checklists for the student to use to prepare for college, but there aren’t always a lot of tips for… Continue Reading →

7 Steps to Prepare for a Job Interview

Preparing for an interview takes more than showing up 15 minutes early in a nice outfit. It may be stressful for some, and that is why we’ve compiled our best pre-interview tips for you. Follow these steps of preparation to… Continue Reading →

How to Get Ready for the Real World

Many students that graduate college don’t know what to expect after they spent the last 18 years of their life in school. As students, we are trained to go to classes every day and have endless amounts of homework. Thinking… Continue Reading →

Best Places to take your Graduation Photos at UW-W

Well hello, Warhawks. It’s that time of year again where a select few of us will be taking that walk across that stage in May. It has been a long path to get to this moment and you want to… Continue Reading →

Best Places to do Homework on Campus

As college students, there is something that we all have in common: homework and studying for exams. Although we dread these things, homework is a tool that helps us to further our knowledge in whatever subject we are learning and… Continue Reading →

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