University Center Blog

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

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The Student Hack Handbook: 6 Academic Hacks to Improve Your GPA.

So you wanna shoot a 4.0, eh? In my experience, doing so isn’t nearly as hard or complex as the average naysayer would have you believe. In the collegiate world, easy GPA  improvement can be accomplished by implementing these simple… Continue Reading →

The Dilemma of the Overstocked T-Shirts

With another new semester upon us, we once again return back to campus stocked with school supplies, clothes, food (because my mom’s still not convinced I can cook for myself…not that I’m complaining about the free food!), and…an endless supply… Continue Reading →

Which Meal Plan is for Me?

By Laura Schoenike • @lauras2011 Let’s be honest…meal plans are confusing. How do you know which one is right for you, and that you’re getting the most for your money? First, choose which description sounds most like you, and we’ll… Continue Reading →

Student Organizations: More Than Just a Resume Builder

There are a wide variety of student organizations here at UW-Whitewater. Some of the different types of student organizations here include: Sports Foreign Languages Politics Service Faith Greek Academically Connected Organizations Examples of some student organizations here on campus are… Continue Reading →

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like the Holidays!

Upon walking into the University Center, students are greeted with gleaming Christmas trees (17 trees to be exact), garland, and other holiday décor! Here at UW-Whitewater we pride ourselves in keeping tradition alive on campus. As being a student employee… Continue Reading →

‘Tis the Season to Stress Less

By Haley Cox With classes coming to an end, holiday shopping, cramming for exams, and just trying to stay warm, this time of the year is just crazy. Now don’t pull your hair out yet, just take a breath and… Continue Reading →

What can the UC do for your Student Organization?

As we’re nearing the end of semester, it seems that sleep (one of my favorite activities) is becoming more and more non-existent. After all, there’s classes, homework, working different on- and off-campus jobs, and of course, keeping track of those… Continue Reading →

Thankful for Working with Friends

Ilona: At the end of the Spring Semester Khloe informed me that she had applied for an internship on campus. She told me about LEAP (Liberal Education & America’s Promise), the main focus of her internship, and I felt a connection. … Continue Reading →

End Goal: Graduate and Start a Career

All students who attend a university have the same end goal: graduate and start a career.  But before achieving the end goal, there are interviews. During my freshman year, the most difficult aspect of college was trying to find time… Continue Reading →

What does a Veteran look like?

They are moms, dads, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, teachers, doctors, farmers. They sell cars.  They change diapers.  They order coffee. They listen to the radio.  They go to college. They are Veterans.  You wouldn’t be able to tell just be… Continue Reading →

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