University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Student Marketing Committee

How To “Workout” Your Resolution

With the New Year in session, everyone has some sort of New Year Resolution. There are many different types of New Year resolutions that students would love to accomplish for the year. Admit it you’ve had a resolution, but somehow… Continue Reading →

Why I Love Having a Job on Campus

I think one of the best decisions I ever made in college was getting a part time job. For the past two years I have worked at UW-Whitewater Ticket Services, located in the Center of the Arts building. During these… Continue Reading →

Ten Reasons You Know You Go to School in Whitewater, WI!

1) Accessibility is easy to come by as we are the #1 ranked UW school for accessibility. The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) is a huge part of that. As part of their mission, “CSD actively collaborates with students, faculty, and staff… Continue Reading →

How To Stay Motivated

The semester is in full swing, spring is around the corner and procrastination levels are slowly rising while motivation is slowly diminishing. You know what I’m talking about, as it gets nice outside you spend your time daydreaming out the window… Continue Reading →

How To Use Your Meal Plan

The UW-Whitewater student ID, officially dubbed the “HawkCard”, is a necessity for all students here on campus. The way the HawkCard works for meal plans and things of the sort can be a lot to digest (pun intended) during the… Continue Reading →

Tips for your Finals

Getting anxious about finals next week? These tips will help get you through, and will hopefully relieve some stress! 1. Start now. DO NOT WAIT. Procrastination is the worst idea. 2. Make a schedule. If you’re one of those people… Continue Reading →

Winter Survival Guide

I think winter weather has got to be one of the most frustrating things about going to college. If you’re like me, you think that walking in the bitter cold and wind chills below freezing tends to get pretty old… Continue Reading →

Quest for a Big 4 Internship

To many, the words “Big four” might sound random and unimportant. But to accounting students this means a lot more. The big four is basically 4 massive global firms that dominate the auditing, tax and consulting space. They are: Deloitte,… Continue Reading →

Making Healthy College Foods

The freshman fifteen is a definite thing. You can pay for the gym membership, count your calories, etc. but the freshman fifteen still happens. It’s inevitable. As a sophomore at the university, gaining those fifteen pounds was like welcoming an… Continue Reading →

How To Get Through Your Toughest Class This Semester

I think its safe to say that all of us have had some pretty rough classes throughout our college careers. Whether you’re a freshman or fifth year senior, there are classes that you might be taking right now that literally… Continue Reading →

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