University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Self Care & Wellness

A Lazy Person’s Guide to Working Out

By: Lainah Mangwiza Lazy productivity creates a bit of an oxymoron. However, the logic behind this phrase is rooted in the idea that laziness approaches productivity by finding the most efficient and least energy demanding solution. With summer preparation underway,… Continue Reading →

Benefits of Owning a Pet

Hannah Johnson Did you know that owning a pet can help develop confidence and subside symptoms of depression? Although having a pet can bring on a lot of responsibility there are benefits that come along with these responsibilities. Whether you… Continue Reading →

Eating Vegan

We have all heard of individuals who choose to eat vegan, but what exactly does that mean? Eating vegan is defined as deciding to avoid consuming anything that comes from an animal such as honey, meat, eggs, and dairy products…. Continue Reading →

How To Stay Motivated At The Gym

By: Hannah Johnson Making The Gym A Part Of Your Everyday Routine It can be hard for many people to find motivation or time to work out with school, work, or other matters. There is no one in this world… Continue Reading →

Allergies VS Sensitivity & How to Navigate Campus

Did you know that you can be sensitive to certain foods but not be allergic to them? Sensitivities do not involve the immune system. They are caused by a lack of enzymes to digest foods properly. Symptoms of sensitivities are… Continue Reading →

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

Have you ever thought about your gut? Over the last couple years there has been a significant increase in research about the gut which is actually called the microbiome. Although our gut AKA microbiome is not on the forefront of… Continue Reading →

A Little June Motivation

Summer has officially started and it is a blessing and a curse when it comes to staying motivated. So what exactly does motivation mean? Motivation is defined as a desire, reason, or willingness to behave or act in a particular… Continue Reading →

Physical Fitness Month

What comes to mind when you think of physical fitness? Many people might imagine working out in a gym at an intense pace or defining physical fitness by the size of muscles. This is not the case! Physical fitness is… Continue Reading →

Sustainable Plant Based Eating

What exactly is sustainable eating? We hear about sustainable eating often, especially around April due to Earth day. Sustainable eating entails picking whole foods that are healthful to our bodies while also healthful for the environment. This way of eating… Continue Reading →

Redefining Eating Healthy

The word “healthy” is a very ambiguous term and will be defined differently by anyone you talk to. Everyone has different bodies, tastes, backgrounds, and everyone’s “healthy” looks a little different too. Health is looked at as a holistic approach… Continue Reading →

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