University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Warhawk Families

9 Pieces of Advice for Incoming Freshmen

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Learn some great advice from students about school, professors, and more!

How to Pack Like a Pro

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The end of the semester is quickly approaching. Soon, you will have to pack up your belongings to head home for the summer or move into a new place. Packing has always been a pain for me, which is why… Continue Reading →

UW-W Resources Available through Tuition

“Everybody has a college degree these days.” “It’s not just about your degree, what did you do outside of the classroom?” – Common phrases that adults will say to us college students to provide us with motivation to look elsewhere… Continue Reading →

What’s the Difference Between Purple Points and Dining Dollars?

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Greetings, Warhawks! All students, at some point in their time here at UW-W, ask “What’s the difference between Purple Points and Dining Dollars?” Often times you get various answers from friends and peers, but here are the facts, brought to… Continue Reading →

Ways to Save Money in College

College can be the most exciting and fun times of your life… until you’re taking quarters out of your laundry funds to pay for your Qdoba.  However, there are many ways to save some extra coin throughout your college career…. Continue Reading →

College Myths

Myth #1- Random roommates will result in disaster It may be scary to go totally random in your roommate selection and put all your faith into the university to find someone for you to live with 24/7 for months. But… Continue Reading →

Why I Love Having a Job on Campus

I think one of the best decisions I ever made in college was getting a part time job. For the past two years I have worked at UW-Whitewater Ticket Services, located in the Center of the Arts building. During these… Continue Reading →

How To Use Your Meal Plan

The UW-Whitewater student ID, officially dubbed the “HawkCard”, is a necessity for all students here on campus. The way the HawkCard works for meal plans and things of the sort can be a lot to digest (pun intended) during the… Continue Reading →

Help! I’m Almost Out Of Purple Points!

So…its halfway through the semester and you start to sweat; not because of midterms, the roomie drama, or even the fact that the end of the semester is drawing near and you are sooo not ready.  No, you’re sweating because… Continue Reading →

Working In The UC: More Than Just A Job

By now you may have heard that the UC is hiring! When considering application,  it is important to know that working for the University Center is not just your typical job. There are endless opportunities and ways to get involved… Continue Reading →

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