University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Freshmen

UW-W Resources Available through Tuition

“Everybody has a college degree these days.” “It’s not just about your degree, what did you do outside of the classroom?” – Common phrases that adults will say to us college students to provide us with motivation to look elsewhere… Continue Reading →

Easy Fitness in Your Dorm

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, but most find it hard to stick with them because they don’t have the time, or they lose interest in fulfilling them. The stereotypical resolution that people think of would be to lose weight or… Continue Reading →

5 Things You NEED to Start Doing in College

College is a time where many of us develop new habits; some good, some bad (i.e. ice cream for dinner). Regardless of your newly developed, unique dinner habits (which I would encourage mixing in some greens now and then, just… Continue Reading →

Life Hacks for College Students

Let’s face it. As college students, we typically don’t have a ton of time or money. When we find a cheaper or easier way to do something, we jump at the opportunity. Therefore, I’ve compiled a few nuggets of knowledge… Continue Reading →

What’s the Difference Between Purple Points and Dining Dollars?

Greetings, Warhawks! All students, at some point in their time here at UW-W, ask “What’s the difference between Purple Points and Dining Dollars?” Often times you get various answers from friends and peers, but here are the facts, brought to… Continue Reading →

Ways to Save Money in College

College can be the most exciting and fun times of your life… until you’re taking quarters out of your laundry funds to pay for your Qdoba.  However, there are many ways to save some extra coin throughout your college career…. Continue Reading →

College Myths

Myth #1- Random roommates will result in disaster It may be scary to go totally random in your roommate selection and put all your faith into the university to find someone for you to live with 24/7 for months. But… Continue Reading →

Then & Now: College Freshman Edition

So we have all had our expectations of what college was “supposed” to be. Growing up watching movies has given us the image of what college is supposed to be like. Countless parties, darties, drinks, fun with friends, and more…. Continue Reading →

How to Organize Yourself as an Overcommitted Student

Student orgs, committee meetings, classes, and jobs. The lives of college students are busier than ever, so how do you keep up the juggling act and keep up with everything? I’ve got a few tips and tricks that’ll help you… Continue Reading →

How To Vote

Voting Process With the 2016 presidential election right around the corner, it’s easy to get confused about how the process of voting in your town works. It can be even harder to understand when you move away from your hometown… Continue Reading →

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