University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Category Freshmen

How to Prepare Your Parent for College

Going away to college can be scary not only for the student, but for the parents too! There are hundreds of checklists for the student to use to prepare for college, but there aren’t always a lot of tips for… Continue Reading →

Best Places to do Homework on Campus

As college students, there is something that we all have in common: homework and studying for exams. Although we dread these things, homework is a tool that helps us to further our knowledge in whatever subject we are learning and… Continue Reading →

Keeping in Contact with Friends from Different Colleges

Have you ever thought about what would happen if your best friend went to a different college than you? They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but when you are separated by many miles, having a long-distance friendship can… Continue Reading →

9 Pieces of Advice for Incoming Freshmen

Learn some great advice from students about school, professors, and more!

How to Pack Like a Pro

The end of the semester is quickly approaching. Soon, you will have to pack up your belongings to head home for the summer or move into a new place. Packing has always been a pain for me, which is why… Continue Reading →

Best Study Spots on Campus

It can be tough to find a prime study spot when finals week starts to approach us all. The campus is always full of students in different buildings trying to find the most peaceful and quiet area to help them… Continue Reading →

How to Avoid Semester Burnout

We all know the feeling… the countdown to break has begun, simultaneously opposing the rapidly expanding to-do list. Just as the weather warms, your free time seems to plummet. You’ve pushed so hard up to this point, but will you… Continue Reading →

UW-W Resources Available through Tuition

“Everybody has a college degree these days.” “It’s not just about your degree, what did you do outside of the classroom?” – Common phrases that adults will say to us college students to provide us with motivation to look elsewhere… Continue Reading →

Easy Fitness in Your Dorm

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, but most find it hard to stick with them because they don’t have the time, or they lose interest in fulfilling them. The stereotypical resolution that people think of would be to lose weight or… Continue Reading →

5 Things You NEED to Start Doing in College

College is a time where many of us develop new habits; some good, some bad (i.e. ice cream for dinner). Regardless of your newly developed, unique dinner habits (which I would encourage mixing in some greens now and then, just… Continue Reading →

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