Written By: Sarah Hollnagel
The General Management Organization is a smaller club on campus open to all majors that focuses on preparing students for their future professional careers.
In our past meetings, we have held resume and career fair tips as well as Handshake and LinkedIn workshops, and more! We have also had various guest speakers like CEOs of successful companies or university professors. On top of all of that, we like to throw some fun in there too! At least once a month we have more fun meetings so we can get to know each other better and bond. Some favorites include movie or game nights, bowling, and going out to eat!
Because we are a smaller club, we can really tailor to whatever our members want to do throughout the semester which you cannot get from other bigger orgs. The opportunities are endless!
We would love to see you at our meetings soon! If this sounds like something you are interested in, we meet virtually every other week on Thursdays at 6:00pm. You can visit our Instagram page (@gmouww) for updates and other important information. If you have any questions, you can also email our President, Abby Wilkey WilkeyAB10@uww.edu or gmouww@gmail.com.
WebEx link: https://uww.webex.com/uww/j.php?MTID=mb825b6f507e4214fbf3f4ea44bc5d6d7

*Taken Pre-Covid*

March 24, 2021 at 10:33 pm
great post thanks for sharing