beginners guide

  • beginners guide

    Best Place to Buy Yoga Clothes

    One of the most exciting parts of becoming a yogi, is getting to buy new yoga clothes! The most important thing to remember is that you choose to wear clothes that you are comfortable in. Without comfort, you will not be able to get the most out of your yoga experience. When it comes to where to buy clothes, the options are endless. Yoga clothes can tend to get pricey, but I have learned through my own purchases, that just because something is expensive does not make it good for yoga. There are so many affordable options that provide great options that are just as good, and sometimes even better,…

  • beginners guide

    8 Benefits of Yoga

    Yoga has so many health benefits. Many people are constantly searching for ways to cut back on medicines and chemicals to make them feel better. There are so many ways to naturally heal your body. Yoga is a great way that many find helps them with finding natural releif. Yoga improves balance, flexibility and strength. Yoga relieves stress Yoga can reduce anxiety Yoga can improve moods and create a more clear headspace Yoga connects you to your inner self Yoga can create more energy Yoga can relieve body aches, such as neck and mack pain Yoga can relieve arthritis symptoms Although there are a lot of benefits listed above, there…

  • beginners guide

    Which Mat Should I use

    Many people wonder if the mat they use matters. Yoga mats are extremely important when practicing yoga. If you do not have a mat at all, you are at a big risk for injury. Yoga has so many poses that require you to balance on parts of your body that, if they are not on a cushioned surface, it will be extremely uncomfortable and painful. If you were to only use a towel or pillow to cushion your knee, you would be slipping and sliding all over the place, leading injury as well. Yoga mats are a necessity to practice yoga, whether or not you choose to splurge on a…

  • beginners guide


    Meditation is something that can be intimidating. As someone who struggles with anxiety, it can be challenging to unplug and just be alone with your own thoughts. I was scared of this as well before giving it a chance. Meditation is not about thinking, but more so about breathing. Like in yoga, breath is what can calm the body and mind. It sounds odd, but many of us do not take the time to really breathe properly. There are anti anxiety receptors in the bottom of our lungs, which is why when someone is panicking, it is common to hear someone tell them to “take a deep breath.”. Meditation and…

  • beginners guide

    Yoga for Natural Healing

    Today in the United States, people are turning away from the harsh treatments and chemicals that they put in their bodies. MAny people are looking for natural ways to heal themselves. This is so amazing because I have found that taking care of your body and giving it what it needs helps to heal your mental health and can even help heal your body. Yoga has helped so many people feel better mentally and physically. An amazing example of this is how retired football players have begun to practice yoga. Many former NFL players suffer from CTE which can lead to depression. Along with the mental pain, their bodies are…

  • beginners guide

    Yoga as a Natural Anxiety Relief

    As someone that has struggled with anxiety for many years, I have found that the natural remedies seem to always be more beneficial for me than the pharmaceutical route. Every one is different, but this could be helpful for you. I started doing yoga as a way to help relieve my anxiety. There are tons of yoga practices specifically targeted to relieve anxiety. A common natural remedy for anxiety is to get moving and stay active. Yoga is perfect for this because it is also a very relaxing way of being active and getting your blood flowing. The practice of Asana Yoga poses can help to relieve the physical discomfort…

  • beginners guide

    The Plant Based Diet

    Although there is not a certain type of diet that you need to follow to do yoga, it is smart to be conscious of the foods you are putting into your body. I have found that in quarantine, I became way more aware of what I was eating and started to look into new diets. The best option I found was called a Plant Based diet. I find that a lot of people who practice yoga are vegetarian, vegan, or plant based. Plant based is not strictly plants and vegies. This is a common misconception. Plant based is actually a bit of a blend. It is mostly plants with very…

  • beginners guide

    How to Improve Your Practice

    There are so many helpful tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way. The key to getting better is to have consistency in your practice. Setting and sticking to a regular scheduled time to do yoga. Practicing more will help you to get better. The next tip I have is to find the right style of yoga for you. Going along with this idea, is the find the right instructor. Finding the type of yoga you enjoy because this will help to maintain and motivate you to go to class and will help to improve! Another tip that helps is to buy yoga accessories! Buy clothes specifically…

  • beginners guide

    What’s the Right Type of Yoga For You?

    The main purpose of yoga is to make the body happy and make the body feel good. Everyone’s body is different so each body will have a style of yoga that is better suited for it. This article is going to go over the four most popular and common styles of yoga. Vinyasa Yoga is the most common form of yoga, this style is all about flow and adding different poses together. Vinyasa is suitable for all levels and is something that should make your body feel good. The key component of this type of yoga is linking the breath and movement. Hatha Yoga, also meaning sun and moon, is…

  • beginners guide

    Yoga Terms for New Yogis

    Yoga can be an intimidating practice to get into not only because of the physicality of it, but also because of the foreign terms used throughout each class. This will be a breakdown of 5 popular terms you will need to know before your first class. Vinyasa– This term is used to describe yoga that is practiced by stringing poses together. It is also commonly used by instructors to indicate that you should be linking your breath with your movements, inhaling in upward motions and exhaling when transitioning to the next movement. Chaturanga– This is a movement used when transitioning into downward facing dog, and used many times throughout class.…