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Finding the perfect dog food can be hard! Trails and tribulations can be expensive and frustrating lets get real, DOG FOOD IS NOT CHEAP.

One of the most expensive things about my shar pei pups are foods they need to thrive. Yes there is a good and a bad type of dog food. Willow: did well with a lamb based diet when she was a puppy they recommended a few different brands, we tried a few and settled with Taste of the Wild brand. This food is $55 a bag, but the benefits are great. With Kobe, his last owner had unfortunately mistreated him and he does suffer from super dry skin from the poor diet he was fed previously. Our vets recommended a grain-free salmon based product. It is AMAZING. His skin already looks better, and he is starting to regrow some of his hair he’s lost. He now is excited to eat! I personally get my dog food at Petco, or Tractor Supply in my local town. We use Taste of the Wild with him as well, we slowly transitioned Willow into a salmon based diet as well, that coat is SHINING! I tend to mix a little wet food with dry food to give them a special dinner.

Above is the food I LOVE! Below is the nutrition facts.

Keep your babies skin Soft & Glowing <3

Stay Cool,


Why Shar pei?

I fell in love with shar peis from the moment I got my dog Scooby 7 years ago, a perfect wrinkly angel. Through the past 7 years I have learned how special shar peis really are, not only are they stubborn and sassy but they are protective and loyal. I can’t truly prove they are the superior breed 🙂 scientifically, I mean, BUT anyone who owns a shar Pei can tell you how much love a shar pei can truly bring to your life. I own 2 shar pei mixes, one shar pei cocker spaniel (Willow), and one shar pei pug mix (Scooby), my children. I swear these dogs are the biggest blessing I have, the love they have brung into my life is incredible, and I hope with this blog I can convince you to open your hearts to a beautiful shar pei baby. For those reading who already have a shar pei baby, I hope this blog can give you some help training, spoiling, and interacting these pups in this crazy world we live in. Major plus: you will get lots of pictures of my fur babies that will brighten your day!

Stay cool.

Megs 🙂

Hello world!

HI! My name is Meaghan, but you can call me Megs (that’s what everyone calls me) WELCOME 😛

I grew up in good old Midwest America specifically Wisconsin, for all my cheese heads out there. I hope to bring some joy into your lives with some knowledge about shar peis and their breeds habits along with training hacks and to share my love for shar peis with all of you !
