Warhawk Almanac: War and Peace in Whitewater

On May 8, 1945, the United States celebrated victory over Hitler and the Nazis in Germany, the day known as Victory in Europe (V-E) Day. In Whitewater, the end to the conflict in Europe was celebrated with religious “services of thanksgiving and prayer.”[1] The Whitewater City Council had decided previously that it would be inappropriate to hold a celebration for V-E Day unless they were religious ceremonies.[2]

Though the end to the fighting was celebrated, the students of Whitewater Teachers College (now UW-Whitewater) paid tribute to those who lost their lives in the conflict. Earl Fritz was Whitewater’s first alumnus to die in the war. Fritz, who had graduated only one year prior in 1941 was involved in many activities on campus including sports and the Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. He was even elected junior prom king in 1940.[3]  Those who knew Fritz during his time in Whitewater remembered him as “proud, strong, [and] courageous.”[4] He was also a leader on the football team, and his coach called Fritz “the greatest athlete I’ve ever coached.”[5] The news of Fritz’s death in 1942 shook the campus community and reminded everyone of the realty that they were “a nation at war.”[6]

Earl Fritz
Earl Fritz was the first Whitewater Alumnus to die in service in World War II.
UW-Whitewater. 1942 Minneiska, 131.

Students found ways to help the war effort while staying in Whitewater as well. Many sororities volunteered with the red cross preparing bandages to be sent abroad. The Homecoming committee sponsored a scrap metal drive, and the Royal Purple newspaper promoted stamp and bond sales.[7] Students did what they could to support the war effort while “looking forward to the day when… peace will reign.”[8]

Students volunteering with the Red Cross
Students found many ways to volunteer on campus and in the community. Here students can be seen volunteering with the Red Cross.
UW-Whitewater. 1943 Minneiska, 15.

World War II took its toll on Whitewater as it did to every community across the country. Though the conflict in Europe was over, fighting would continue in the Pacific until August of that year. Even though victory in Europe was an important step in ending the war, it would have been inappropriate to hold victory celebrations while American soldiers were still fighting in the Pacific. The most respectable way for Whitewater to recognize this victory was to remain “happy but dignified.”[9]

[1] “We Were Happy But Dignified On V-E Day,” The Whitewater Register, May 10, 1945.

[2] “Council Proceedings,” The Whitewater Register, May 3, 1945.

[3] UW-Whitewater. 1942 Minneiska, n.d. https://jstor.org/stable/10.2307/community.29546575.116.

[4] Ibid,131

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] UW Whitewater, 1943 Minneiska. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.29546576. 13,14.

[8] Ibid, 15

[9] “Happy But Dignified.”

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Warhawk Almanac: Founders Day

The newly constructed Normal School
The newly constructed Normal School.
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI. 

On April 21, 1868, Whitewater Normal School (now UW-Whitewater) held its dedicatory service. The Whitewater community had been watching and waiting for the school to open since construction began in 1866.[1] The preliminary term, which began in April of 1868 saw 48 students enrolled in the normal department, that number went up to 105 when the school opened up again in September after Summer Break.[2]

The day of the dedication service saw many excited townsfolk and new students filling the large lecture hall long before the service began.[3] One student remembered that “the sound of the hammer was still echoing through the halls and the workmen rested from their labors, while citizens of the village and students who on the morrow would meet to begin the active work of the school, gathered in the assembly room.”[4] At three-thirty the service began and the people present heard speeches given by William Starr, the President of the Board of Normal School Regents, and Oliver Arey, Whitewater Normal’s first Principal and President. The Whitewater Glee Class then sang a dedicatory song proclaiming the merits and virtues of the Normal School.[5] This was followed by more speeches and then the service was concluded.

the register of the first students
The register of some of the first students to attend Whitewater Normal School.
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI. 

The first class to graduate from Whitewater Normal did so in 1870 and was made up of only six students.[6] The school has grown and changed through the years, now almost 12,000 students attend the university.[7] Though much has changed, we still remember our humble origin and look back with pride to see all that we have accomplished.

[1] Albert Salisbury, “Historical Memoranda,” in First Quarter Century of the State Normal School, Whitewater Wisconsin, 1868-1893, ed. Albert Salisbury (Madison WI: Tracy, Gibs & CO., Printers, 1893), 5.

[2] Ibid.

[3] “The State Normal School. Dedicatory Services,” Whitewater Register, April 24, 1868.

[4] Charles Brockway, “Early Days at the Normal School,” in First Quarter Century of the State Normal School, Whitewater Wisconsin, 1868-1893, ed. Albert Salisbury (Madison WI: Tracy, Gibs & CO., Printers, 1893), 40.

[5] Ibid.

[6] “The First Commencement,” Historical Timeline, Retrieved from https://www.uww.edu/150/timeline.

[7] University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Historical Student Enrollment, retrieved from https://www.uww.edu/irp/university-data/enrollment.

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Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter (New Stuff Tuesdays)

Eager book cover

When I was a teenager, a family of beavers took up housekeeping behind my parent’s bunkhouse. They made their tidy lodge of sticks and mud in the swampy bay. After they toppled a good-sized tree onto the bunkhouse roof, the beaver-sized trees near the buildings were off-limits to the eager little critters. But my mom was indulgent with wildlife: she allowed bats to fly around indoors to keep down the mosquitoes. So the beavers were free to harvest any trees that were out of harm’s way. We liked to sneak to the water’s edge to catch a glimpse of our furry neighbors. If we got too close, they slapped the water with their flat tails and disappeared under the water lilies. Sadly, they lasted only a few winters before the trappers caught onto them.

This award-winning work by environmental journalist Ben Goldfarb chronicles these clever dam-building engineers and explains why they are so important. The health of rivers, streams and wetlands is dependent on them. But much like what happened to our industrious little friends, the entire population of North American beavers was nearly wiped out — by fashion (beaver fur was all the rage in the 1800s), habitat loss, and a failure by humans to understand how these rodents could be partners rather than pests.

If you can manage the microscopic font, this is a well-written and worthwhile story. For more on Ben Goldfarb, see his web site.

Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter
by Ben Goldfarb
New Arrivals, 2nd Floor, QL737 .R632 G64 2018

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Warhawk Almanac: Opening of the Library

The construction of Andersen Library began on April 9, 1951 with a formal ground-breaking ceremony that was well attended by students and faculty alike. It featured a variety of speakers including Librarian Edith Knilans, Student Council President Fred Bertolaet, College President Robert Williams, and architect E. H. Berners.[1] The Whitewater State Teachers College (now UW-Whitewater) band performed as well. Williams stressed that his vision for the library was to be “a service station for learning materials.”[2] He went on to explain, “we want to have a place where the college will provide and students can get whatever types of learning materials are available and can be used. I [Williams] think that is what a library building in 1951 ought to have.”[3]

Newspaper image of the library groundbreaking
Many students, faculty, and visitors came for the groundbreaking ceremony.
Whitewater Register, April 12, 1951.

Two years later in the spring semester of 1953 construction had finished and the library opened. Once the library building was complete, the next great challenge was to move all the books from the old library located in Old Main to the new building across the street. The college planned the move for February 25th. To complete this momentous task the college enlisted countless students and faculty to volunteer in creating an assembly line between the two buildings.[4] Thanks to this effort, the move was completed in just one day. President Williams later wrote, “there has never been a finer demonstration of college spirit than on last Wednesday when you [the students] moved out books to the new library building. How else could we have moved all of them in one day?… I’m proud of what happened and of you who did it.”[5]

students move books from old main to the new library
Students helped move books across the street from Old Main to the new library.
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI. 

[1] “Construction of Library Acclaimed by Guests at Ceremony,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), April 10, 1951.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid.

[4] “Students and Faculty Asked to Move Book According to Committee Plan,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 24, 1953.

[5] “Thanks Gang!” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), March 3, 1953.

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Warhawk Almanac: Happy International Women’s Day!

On April 4, 1987, UW-Whitewater celebrated International Women’s Day in a fun way. Sponsored by the UW-Whitewater Alumni Association, the Women’s Day celebration featured speakers and a luncheon.[1] The theme of the seminar was “the Entrepreneurial Spirit” and six speakers were brought in to discuss a variety of topics relating to that theme.[2] Professor Donna Clasen from the UW-W College of Education and Professional Studies was the opening speaker. She discussed “how to make the best use of your special talents.”[3] Clasen’s talk highlighted the importance of self confidence in all matters, but especially in the workplace.

two of the speakers for the women's day seminar
Clasen and Goder both spoke at the women’s day celebration.
Whitewater Today, Winter 1986-1987.

Another highlight of the seminar was an alumni panel discussing “Women in non-traditional roles.”[4] On the panel were Gail Patterson, who worked as a manager at Price Waterhouse in Milwaukee; Jill Fady, who worked as an assistant trust officer for Associated Commerce Bank in Milwaukee; and Jan Goder, who was the UW-W Chief of Police. They discussed sexism in the workplace and how they persevered despite it.[5] Entrepreneurs Jim and Kris Rowe who graduated in 1971 and 1974 also presented at the seminar. The theme of their talk was “what it takes to start a successful business.” They discussed starting a business without much experience using their own lives as examples. [6] The seminar was ultimately a success and showed that UW-Whitewater cared deeply about issues relating to women’s rights and roles in the workplace. Issues that the UW-Whitewater community still hold dear.

More of the speakers for the women's day seminar
The Women’s Day seminar included many speakers who discussed a variety of topics about the Entrepreneurial Spirit.
Whitewater Today, Winter 1986-1987.

[1] “Speakers Announced for Women’s Day ’87,” Whitewater Register, March 26, 1987.

[2] “UW-W Offers Women’s Day 1987,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), April 1, 1987.

[3] “Cynthia Freeman, “Women’s Day Focused on Grads and Business Success,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), April 8, 1987.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

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Warhawk Almanac: Ice-O-Rama Celebration

On the weekend of March 3 -4, 1961, Wisconsin State College-Whitewater (now UW-Whitewater) students found a new way to enjoy themselves during the cold winter months. The Student Union Activities Board sponsored the first annual Ice-O-Rama event. Ice-O-Rama was an ice themed carnival that was full of fun activities for students to partake in to warm spirits during the chilly wintertime.[1] Though unseasonably warm weather prevented students from participating in some planned activities, such as ice skating, there was still plenty to do that weekend. On the first night students participated in a fireside sing fest followed by a casual dance.[2] The following day saw many games and challenges, including an ice carving competition. The competition had two categories: serious and humorous. The Delta Zeta Sorority won first place in the serious division with their sculpture “Fire and Ice.” The humorous division was won by the Cavaliers Fraternity and their sculpture “Yogi Bear.”[3] The climax of the weekend happened that night with a formal concert and dance performed by the Art Hodes Band, a famous jazz band from Chicago.[4] In 1972, Ice-O-Rama was renamed Winterfest, the name it still has today.[5] Though the events and activities have changed over the years, the heart of Ice-O-Rama remains the same, that is a venue for students to celebrate winter and the beginning of a new semester together.

Ice Sculpture Ice and Fire
Ice and Fire sculpture created by Delta Zeta. Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, 1961), 80.
Ice Sculpture Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear sculpture created by the Cavaliers. Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, 1961), 80.

[1] “UAB Sponsors Ice-O-Rama,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 21, 1961.

[2] “Warm Weather Forces a Change In Ice-o-Rama’s Schedule of Events,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 28, 1961.

[3] “Delta Zetas and Cavaliers Take First Place in Sculpting,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), March 7, 1961.

[4] “Warm Weather.”

[5] “Winterfest week begins tomorrow,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 1, 1972.

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The Sarpedon Krater (New Stuff Tuesdays)

The Sarpedon Krater book cover

Ooh, Greek vases! When I arrived at UW-Whitewater many moons ago, a handful of English faculty used ancient Greek culture as the theme of their English 102 classes. So librarians often helped students with research on Greek culture topics, including vase painting.

This particular vase is important both because of the potter and the artist who painted its elaborate depictions. The vase portrays the body of Trojan War hero, Sarpedon, who is being carried back to Greece to be buried. This magnificent object was raided from an Etruscan tomb in 1971 – and was eventually repatriated to Italy. But there was quite a tale of intrigue in between.

Nigel Spivey is a Lecturer in Classical Art and Archaeology at Cambridge University and illuminates all that’s important about this objet d’art — as pottery, as painting, and as a portrayal of the dead. Not to mention all the drama of its “afterlife” in the modern world.

This video offers a 360 degree perspective of the vase in its permanent home at the Archaeological Museum of Cerveteri, near where it was originally unearthed.

The Sarpedon Krater: The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase
by David Brafman
New Arrivals, 2nd Floor, NK4653 .S3 S65 2019

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Warhawk Almanac: Warhawk Champions

1982 Wheelchair Basketball Team playing
In 1982 the Rollin’ Warhawks won UW Whitewater’s first national athletic championship.
Minneiska, (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater: Whitewater WI, 1982), 170.

On the last weekend in February 1982, UW-Whitewater’s wheelchair basketball team the “Rollin’ Warhawks” won their first national championship at the sixth annual National Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Tournament. Under the leadership of coach Frank Burns, the Warhawks went to the national championship tournament hosted by the University of Illinois in Champagne. The Warhawks were the second seed team in the tournament, and they were the underdogs in the championship game against the previous year’s champs, the Southwest State (MN) Broncos.[1] The Broncos had beaten the Warhawks in every match since 1978, making this victory even sweeter of the Warhawks. It was a close and exciting game to watch. The Warhawks took an early lead, but the Broncos caught up in the second half. Ultimately, the deciding shot was a free throw made by Whitewater’s Center, Chester Underwood, after being fouled in the last seven seconds of the game, securing the Rollin’ Warhawks’ first national championship.[2] Not only was this a significant victory for the wheelchair basketball team, it was momentous for the entire school. This was “the first national championship won by any Warhawk athletic team.”[3]  The UW-Whitewater Men’s Wheelchair Basketball team has since won a total of thirteen national championships, most recently in 2016.[4] The UW-Whitewater community has always been proud of our wheelchair athletics program as they distinguish our school as a place of excellence.

1982 Wheelchair Basketball Team
1982 Wheelchair Basketball Team:
Row 1: Lee Jonas, Guy Perry, Mike Palmer, Bob, Dwyer, Richard Fait, Ricky Chones, Carlos Banda, Dick Simon. Row 2: Coach Frank Burns, John Truesdale, Director of Rehabilitation-Education Services. Missing: Tom Verboncouer.
Minneiska, (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater: Whitewater WI, 1982), 171.

[1] “Rollin’ Warhawks win national title.” Royal Purple, Whitewater WI: March 3, 1982.

[2] Ibid.

[3] “Rollin’ Warhawks conclude 1982 Season With Awards Dinner.” Whitewater Register, April 29, 1982.

[4] “News & History” Recreation Sports & Facilities: Wheelchair Athletics. Retrieved from https://www.uww.edu/rec-sports/wheelchair-athletics/news-and-history.

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Warhawk Almanac: Happy Anniversary Black Student Union!

53 years ago, Wisconsin State University Whitewater (now UW-Whitewater) opened its first culturally relevant center for Black students on campus. In January of 1969, the Society of Afro-American Students presented a list of grievances to University President William Carter, among them was the request for a Black student union.[1] President Carter worked to meet this demand, saying that a Black cultural center would be able to support students in a new way.[2] On February 18th  the University Board of Regents unanimously voted to allow campuses to create “Black social and cultural centers.”[3] When the time came to bring a Black student union to Whitewater the idea still faced opposition. The University Center Board, composed of all white members, voted unanimously to block the creation of a Black student union in the University Center.[4] In response to the University Center Board’s decision, president Carter vetoed the board’s resolution and many faculty members planned to boycott the University Center.[5] The Center for Black Students officially opened on March third in the Moraine lounge of the University Center.[6]

Members of BSU
Black Students of Wisconsin State University Whitewater worked with campus officials to create a Black Student Union on campus.
Royal Purple, February 18, 1969.

            Today the Black Student Union continues to provide a safe space for Black students on campus by coordinating activities to strengthen cultural awareness, assisting African American students, and raising awareness on issues that concern the African American community.[7] Though they focus on issues pertinent to the African American community, the Black Student Union as an organization welcomes all people to participate in their mission.

Opening of the Black Student Union
The opening ceremony for the Black Cultural Center was well attended.
Royal Purple, March 13, 1969.

[1] “Black Students Present Grievances to Carter,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), January 30, 1969.

[2] “Carter Tells Students to Stay Calm, Be Rational,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 11, 1969.

[3] “Action by Board of Regent’s Allows Black Center Establishment in Unions,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 20, 1969.

[4] “University Center Board Rejects Black Lounge in UC,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 27, 1969.

[5] “Carter Establishes Center” and “Faculty Plan UC Boycott,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 27, 1969.

[6] “Moraine Lounge Chosen for Black Center Site,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), March 6, 1969.

[7] Black Student Union Constitution, 2021. 2.

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Warhawk Almanac: Old Main Burns

February 7th, 1970, should have been a festive, fun filled night at Wisconsin State University-Whitewater (now UW-Whitewater). The Spring semester was young and that Saturday night was the annual Ice-O-Rama dance at the University Center However, the festivities were interrupted at around 10 o’clock when students working the WSU-W FM radio station in Old Main saw smoke in the building and pulled the fire alarm.[1] A fire had started in the west wing of Old Main and was spreading fast. Volunteer fire fighters from Whitewater and surrounding communities worked tirelessly to put out the blaze for six hours. Several firefighters were hurt during the battle, and one was sent to a Madison hospital for surgery after being thrown from a high ladder.[2] Students and community members rallied in the following week to fundraise for the injured firefighters as “an expression of gratitude.”[3] Once the fire was extinguished, the extent of the damage became clear. Three quarters of the building had been destroyed by the fire, and the remaining east wing was severely damaged by water and smoke. The total damages came to more than three million dollars.[4] These losses included most of the music, art, and business departments, which were housed in the burned wings of Old Main. Fire Marshals determined that the fire had been intentionally set; Old Main had fallen victim to arson, however, despite law enforcement’s best efforts the perpetrators were never caught.[5]

Old Main On Fire
The blaze went on for six hours despite best efforts to get it under control.
History of University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Collection. Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI. 

            Now all that remains of Old Main is the east wing (now Hyer Hall). Though much was lost in the fire, it also showed the resilience of the university community. Students and faculty worked together to get through this tragedy. It can be seen in their support for the injured firefighters. It can also be seen in their improvised problem solving that allowed classes to continue the following Monday despite the loss of classroom space. Improvised classrooms were created in dormitories and recreation centers across campus to make up for the lost classrooms.[6] It is clear that in this particularly trying time the campus community was able overcome even this adversity and their better side showed through.

Old Main After the Fire
After the Fire was put out the extent of the damage became clear.
“Old Main Wreckage.” History of University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Collection. Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

[1] “Old Main Burns,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 9, 1970.

[2] Ibid.

[3] “Students hold drive for injured firemen,” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 12, 1970. and “Initiate benefit funds for injured firemen,” Whitewater Register, February 12, 1970.

[4] Chloe Rettinger, “The True Story About Old Main,” University Center Blog. Whitewater: 2016. Retrieved from: https://blogs.uww.edu/ucinfo/2016/10/18/the-true-story-about-old-main/.

[5] Ibid.

[6] “Cultural center closed” Royal Purple (Whitewater WI), February 12, 1970.

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