New Stuff Tuesday – August 2

Adventures of Eating

Adventures in Eating:
Anthropological Experiences in Dining From Around The World
edited by Helen Haines and Clare Sammells
GT2850 .A48 2010
New Book Island, 2nd floor

Food: one of the those universal necessities in order to live. Everyone has their own tastes and dietary restrictions, whether they want to have them or not. Some people take their food very seriously [like those people that take pictures of their meals], while others just grab what’s around them to get them through the day. However, if you’d traveled outside of the country, you know firsthand how different the restaurant and/or cooking experiences can be. This week’s featured title takes us on a culinary journey around the world.

Haines and Sammells, anthropology professors, have collected the stories of anthropologists that study the cuisine and eating habits of other societies. Covering everything from the main course to the dining customs to dessert, the social scientists recount their experiences in fourteen different countries. I think that my favorite chapter is the one about a vegetarian in Argentina – a very meat-centric culture. It reminded me of Spain and their ‘vegetarian’ dishes that still had chunks of beef in them. Overall, the book paints an excellent picture of the variations of each culture’s relationship with food and dining.

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 26

Come Together

Come Together:
The Business Wisdom of the Beatles
by Richard Courtney & George Cassidy
ML421 .B4 C69 2011
New Book Island, 2nd floor

You know what’s blowing up my news feed lately? My friends are posting all sorts of articles, commentaries and opinions about the debt ceiling and the back-and-forth between political parties about how to solve the country’s fiscal policies. I hear that our President said something about ‘compromise’ being a dirty word in Washington. Well, perhaps lawmakers should take a look at this week’s featured book [or at least the title].

Courtney and Cassidy, both writers and die-hard Beatles fans, have come forth with the notion that it wasn’t just the unique sound of their music that thrust the Fab Four to international stardom. It was also their business savvy and risk-taking that lead them down the path to eternal recognition. The authors chronicle the Beatles’ successes and failures in one hundred short chapters, detailing how the band’s perseverance through the ups and downs ultimately paid off in the end. The book serves as a lesson for budding musicians, entrepreneurs and others that are interested in the ways of the music business as to make it to the top of the world and enjoy the journey.

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DSM-IV-TR® available online

Andersen Library has added a subscription to the American Psychological Association’s Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR®) online!

As with most of our subscription databases, UWW faculty and students who need to use it from off campus will be prompted to login with their campus Net-ID.

There is also a copy in print in the Library’s 2nd-floor Reference Collection, RC455.2.C4 D536 2000.

Questions? Ask a librarian.

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Carol Elsen: Reviewer of the Year!

photo of 2011 Nonfiction Reviewer of the Year Carol ElsenOur very own Carol Elsen, Collection Manager and Reference & Instruction Librarian, was named one of Library Journal‘s five 2011 Reviewers of the Year!

Here’s what LJ had to say about her:

Carol Elsen, 2011 Nonfiction Reviewer of the Year

Elsen, collection manager and reference librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, has been an LJ reviewer in business and social sciences for eight years. For her verve, her playful sense of language, her effective assessments of a spectrum of titles, and for coming through with reviews that barely need an edit, she is all too deserving of this honor.

We agree! You can read some of Carol’s book reviews through the Academic Search Complete database. Some of the books are available from UWW’s Andersen Library (search HALcat, the Harold Andersen Library catalog) or from other UW libraries (search the UW libraries; requests are free for UWW students and staff via Universal Borrowing).

Congratulations Carol!

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 19

Water Ethics

Water Ethics:
Foundational Readings for Students & Professionals
edited by Peter Brown and Jeremy Schmidt
TD345 .B815 2010
New Book Island, 2nd floor

When the weather outside feels like you’re roasting in an oven, there’s not much else you can think about but one thing. Think about it: you think about the humidity that you could cut with the knife, the sweat dripping off your face, the five showers that you need to take in order to feel clean, the need to stay hydrated in order to survive the heat – it all revolves around water. In honor of that, this week’s featured title focuses on our little miracle liquid from a different angle.

Brown and Schmidt, Canadian scholars in the area of natural resources, have assembled a collection of seminal writings on the ethics behind water and its usage. As the vital resource becomes depleted by a variety of forces, the need to educate ourselves and review policies to ensure its safety grows rapidly. The editors have organized the works into six groups of perspectives, from the utilitarian to the view of water as a community resource, which provide different approaches to the ethical dilemma that the world’s citizens face. This book serves as an excellent reference for those interested in natural resource conservation and examining societal challenges.

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White House YouTube Channel

You can subscribe to the White House’s YouTube channel and see what’s going on!

Among the offerings: “West Wing Week” videos, as well as various special topic videos.

Screen from White House Channel on YouTube

Government Printing Office logo

The University Library is a federal depository with many federal, state, local, and international documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in print, microfiche, CD-ROM, and electronically. Come check out your government at the University Library!

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 12

Ultimate Web Marketing Guide

The Ultimate Web Marketing Guide
by Michael Miller
HF5415.1265 .M555 2011
New Book Island, 2nd floor

Some people use summer as a way to relax and recharge after a draining semester [read: me]. However, I realize that not everyone is like me and would like to be productive with the extra time that may arise between the spring and fall semesters. If you’re one of those people and also happen to want to learn more about the opportunities that come with digital technologies, then this week’s featured title is right up your alley.

Miller, experienced technology author, has assembled quite the work on all things online marketing. He covers everything from the basics of marketing principles to gaining visibility with search engine optimization and web analytics. The author then covers each manifestation of web marketing, with blogs, social media, video and mobile as vehicles for promotion of your product or service [or YOU, even]. This book takes you through all of the aspects that you need to understand in order to effectively reach current and potential customers on the Internet.

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Bookless Libraries?

That’s the topic of an article that appeared in Time today. There’s a trend of removing the print collections out and the study space and media in. So the question is… when you take the books out of a library, does that mean that it’s not a library anymore? Discuss.

Is a Bookless Library Still a Library? – Time

Thanks to Ronna for the link!

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Summertime: A Look at the Numbers

Summer is officially in full swing. How do I know? As someone that lives in an apartment with no air conditioning, I measure it based on the number of showers required in the day. And, yesterday for example was a three-shower day.

Fortunately, there are other more meaningful measures to examine the hotter temperatures that don’t involve my hygiene. Passport GMID features great information for researching the business behind the fun in the sun. Take a look at the screen captures below* of a visualization of summertime business.

Market Size – Sun Care

Market Share for Unilever – Ice Cream

Consumer Spending for Leisure and Recreation

You can access the data and analysis on all things consumer for over seventy other countries from Passport GMID. There also plenty of other information sources on countries available on our Selected Resources for Research on Countries and Sources of Business Information: Countries guides.

*provided by Euromonitor and posted with permission

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Ellen Latorraca joins Andersen Library!

Ellen Latorraca has joined Andersen Library as of July 5. She is a Reference & Instruction Librarian who will serve as the Library’s liaison to the College of Education & Professional Studies. She comes to us with ten years of experience as the Library Media Specialist/Instructional Technology Leader at South Division High School in Milwaukee, and she also has experience as a teacher of English as a second language.

Welcome Ellen!

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