New Stuff Tuesday – July 26

Come Together

Come Together:
The Business Wisdom of the Beatles
by Richard Courtney & George Cassidy
ML421 .B4 C69 2011
New Book Island, 2nd floor

You know what’s blowing up my news feed lately? My friends are posting all sorts of articles, commentaries and opinions about the debt ceiling and the back-and-forth between political parties about how to solve the country’s fiscal policies. I hear that our President said something about ‘compromise’ being a dirty word in Washington. Well, perhaps lawmakers should take a look at this week’s featured book [or at least the title].

Courtney and Cassidy, both writers and die-hard Beatles fans, have come forth with the notion that it wasn’t just the unique sound of their music that thrust the Fab Four to international stardom. It was also their business savvy and risk-taking that lead them down the path to eternal recognition. The authors chronicle the Beatles’ successes and failures in one hundred short chapters, detailing how the band’s perseverance through the ups and downs ultimately paid off in the end. The book serves as a lesson for budding musicians, entrepreneurs and others that are interested in the ways of the music business as to make it to the top of the world and enjoy the journey.

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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