E-Books from Academic Publisher Brill

UWS libraries now have access to 2007-2013 ebooks from Brill, an academic publisher in the humanities and social sciences. You can search for keywords, or browse by authors or by the titles in these subject categories:

  • Asian Studies
  • Biblical Studies, Ancient Near East and Early Christianity
  • Classical Studies
  • European History and Culture
  • Middle East and Islamic Studies
  • Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy
  • Social Sciences

Eventually these titles will be in HALcat (Harold Andersen Library catalog) also.

Brill ebooks site banner

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Andersen Library @ Orientation Week events

Welcome (back) to UWW!  Come see us at various Orientation Week (hmmm, more like a week and a half) events! Here’s where we’ll be:

  • Tues., Aug. 23, 12:45-2:30pm: RA resource fair for RAs, of course (UC)
  • Thurs., Aug 25, 9:30-10:30am: Involvement Opportunity Fair for UWW employees (Kachel Center)
  • Mon., Aug 29, 1-2pm: Library Services & Online Resources for UWW faculty & staff (Library Instruction Lab, L2211)
  • Mon., Aug 29, 5-7pm: Graduate School & Nontraditional Student Orientation (UC Hamilton Center)
  • Thurs., Sept. 1, 4:30-6:30pm: HawkFest!! for first year students (parking lot off Prince St.)
  • Thurs., Sept. 1, 4-5:15pm: Warhawk Race for transfer students (Andersen Library)

Andersen Library entrance photoDon’t see an event for you? Can’t make it? Well, c’mon in, or give us a call or an email and we’ll be happy to set up a time to meet with you! Call the Reference Desk at (262) 472-1032 or email refdesk@uww.edu.

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Public Library Used Book Sale

book sale stackFriends of Whitewater’s public library, the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, are having their annual used book sale from Mon., Aug. 22-Fri., Sept. 2.

Book Sale Hours:

  • M-TH 9am-8pm
  • F 9am-5pm
  • Sat 10am-1:30pm

The library is located at 431 W. Center St. in Whitewater. Enjoy.

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New Stuff Tuesday – August 16

The Portuguese

The Portuguese:
A Modern History
by Barry Hatton
DP538 .H37 2011
New Book Island, 2nd floor

I just found out yesterday that a good friend from my study abroad program is getting married over Labor Day weekend in Santa Fe, NM. I’m pretty stoked because Barb ever so kindly granted me the time off to go [road trip!]. However, it also has made me nostalgic for Europe. When browsing the New Book Island for inspiration, I came across this book, which details one of the few places that I didn’t visit while I was in Barcelona [and I was so close!].

Hatton, foreign correspondent in Lisbon for more than twenty years, shares his knowledge of the Portuguese, from both a historical perspective to the current day. Because of its odd positioning, the country often is forgotten. However, the author demonstrates that Portugal packs a lot of colorful culture inside its small, diverse borders. He covers everything from their rise during the age of exploration and subsequent decline, their survival of one of Europe’s most severe natural disasters, and their endurance of the continent’s longest dictatorship in the twentieth century. With a mixture of the background and personal stories, you’re sure to be entertained learning about these sometimes misunderstood people.

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Library Hours Aug 15-Sept 5

School’s out (for the summer)! Andersen Library’s hours from Aug. 15 through Sept. 4 are 8 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday only (closed on Saturday & Sunday). The Library is closed on Monday Sept. 5th for the Labor Day holiday.

Fall semester Library hours will start on Tuesday, Sept. 6th, however, during the first week of classes the Library closes at 10 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday (Sept. 6-8).

Remember that even when the physical Library is closed, you can:

  • Search the article databases (login when prompted with your campus Net-ID, same as for your campus email or D2L),
  • Search the HALCAT Library Catalog and use links to online titles, including ereserves for classes,
  • Renew checked-out books, DVDs, etc. (once) through your Personal Record,
  • Consult online guides for help, including citation guides for APA, MLA, and Turabian format, and class assignment guides, and
  • Ask a librarian for help using email or chat (UWW librarians respond to the emails when the Library is open, but chat is covered 24/7 by non-UWW staff).
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Movies and Scientific Ethics

Movies and scientific ethics may seem an unlikely pairing, and maybe I just think too much when I see movies about scientific research, but when I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes this weekend I had the same reaction I’d had to Jurassic Park. I enjoyed both movies, but both did raise important issues. Scientific research has bestowed great benefits upon us all, but needs to be carefully controlled to avoid undesirable unexpected consequences. And animal research and gene therapy, of course, are highly controversial.

image of The Sacrifice book coverAndersen Library has resources for learning more on topics such as these. Search HALcat (Harold Andersen Library’s catalog) for keywords such as the phrase “animal experimentation” to find titles including The sacrifice: How scientific experiments transform animals and people (3rd-floor Main Collection, HV4915 .B57 2007), Experimenting with humans and animals: From Galen to animal rights (3rd-floor Main Collection, QP45 .G84 2003), and In the name of science: Issues in responsible animal experimentation (3rd-floor Main Collection, HV4915 .O75 1993).

There are also plenty of articles in journals, newspapers, and magazines on these topics as well. You can search the Library’s article databases, or browse the online issues of the ILAR Journal (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research), to find articles such as “The ethics of research on great apes” (Nature, Sept. 1, 2005, vol.437:no.7055, pp.27-29).

The Internet can provide resources such as “Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals” (8th ed., 2010) and the “Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” (2002) and other documents from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. NIH, the “steward of medical and behavioral research for the Nation,” also provides a web site for the general public about animals in research. You also can check out web sites of sanctuaries for retired research animals such as Save the Chimps and Chimp Haven.

Please ask a librarian if you need assistance with finding materials.

UWW’s Andersen Library is a federal depository with many federal and state documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in print, microfiche, CD-ROM, and online. Come check out your government at Andersen Library!

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New Stuff Tuesday – August 9

Stare in the Darkness

Stare in the Darkness:
The Limits of Hip-hop and Black Politics
by Lester Spence
E185.86 .S687 2011
New Book Island, 2nd floor

Music provides the vehicle for the expression of endless possibilities. As a window to one’s soul, an artist may feel the need to share internal feelings like their pain of a bad break-up or their undying affection for their partner. Others just need to get out more simple concepts, like what day it is. However, lyrics also convey deeper messages about social issues. This week’s featured title discusses the hip-hop genre’s activist history and the African American community.

Spence, political science professor at Johns Hopkins University, delves into the topic of hip-hop music, and rap in particular, and its place in the black community and American society as a whole. Through extensive reviews of existing literature and original research, he seeks to answer the question of what the embedded politics are in its production, consumption and circulation. The author examines not only the music itself, but also the effects of the music on the attitudes and perceptions on African Americans. The book serves as an excellent starting point for investigating the hip-hop movement and its political leanings, as Spence includes a lengthy bibliography for further research.

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Data connectivity work

photo of UWW wireless pennant hanging from Library ceilingTechnical staff at the University are completing data connectivity upgrades this weekend, starting on Friday (August 5) at 4 p.m. and ending Monday morning (August 8). This work will have very minimal impact on Library patrons, but wired connections on the first floor’s south wall (that’s along Main Street) will be unavailable. In addition, some of the wireless connectivity on the first and second floors’ south side (Main Street) will be affected. But there are plenty of wired computers and wireless access everywhere else, and Andersen Library is closed on Saturday anyway. If you have questions, ask the Library staff.

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Friday Fun: Online Jigsaws

image of completed online puzzleDiscovery News offers an online jigsaw Puzzle of the Week. You are shown the completed image (see “Diving with a whale shark” at right), and you can choose whether to turn off auto rotate in the lower left corner of the image (leaving it on is the default, which means the pieces are in their proper orientation when they are separated). Click “Begin” and then drag pieces to where you believe they belong.

Good luck! And if you want more puzzles, click (of all things) “More Puzzles.”

FYI – Andersen Library has some old-fashioned puzzles in a box too.

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NetLibrary now eBook Collection (EBSCO)

NetLibrary was acquired by EBSCO earlier this year, and the transition is nearly complete. So when you click on a link to NetLibrary books in the HALCat (Harold Andersen Library catalog), you’ll be sent to EBSCO’s “eBook Collection.” Of course, you also can go directly to the eBook Collection to search for ebooks too.

Note: If you had a personal account set up for “checking out” NetLibrary books, it will not be transferred. Items saved prior to the transition will be lost.

Questions? Please ask a librarian.

Screen shots of catalog record and eBook Collection record for title Yoga

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