New Stuff Tuesday – July 19

Water Ethics

Water Ethics:
Foundational Readings for Students & Professionals
edited by Peter Brown and Jeremy Schmidt
TD345 .B815 2010
New Book Island, 2nd floor

When the weather outside feels like you’re roasting in an oven, there’s not much else you can think about but one thing. Think about it: you think about the humidity that you could cut with the knife, the sweat dripping off your face, the five showers that you need to take in order to feel clean, the need to stay hydrated in order to survive the heat – it all revolves around water. In honor of that, this week’s featured title focuses on our little miracle liquid from a different angle.

Brown and Schmidt, Canadian scholars in the area of natural resources, have assembled a collection of seminal writings on the ethics behind water and its usage. As the vital resource becomes depleted by a variety of forces, the need to educate ourselves and review policies to ensure its safety grows rapidly. The editors have organized the works into six groups of perspectives, from the utilitarian to the view of water as a community resource, which provide different approaches to the ethical dilemma that the world’s citizens face. This book serves as an excellent reference for those interested in natural resource conservation and examining societal challenges.

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.
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