Friday Fun: Cookbook Finder

Do you collect cookbooks? Are you looking for cookbooks with new recipes, perhaps using a certain ingredient? Well, the Cookbook Finder might be a real find for you!

This experimental application was developed by OCLC. OCLC provides us with WorldCat, which holds library catalog records from libraries all over the world. The Cookbook Finder lets you search library catalog records for cookbooks by authors, titles, ingredients or methods!

I had to try this out, even though I’m pretty much an anti-cook (ask anyone who knows me). But that pretty much makes searching by methods too much of a stretch for me.

I’ve read a lot lately about quinoa (What’s quinoa?) , so I searched for that and clicked on the first of the cookbooks retrieved: Deliciously g-free: Food so flavorful they’ll never believe it’s gluten-free. I scrolled down to the see a copy held at 939 libraries and clicked the title to find that there are copies at the public libraries in Whitewater, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, Janesville, and others nearby! There also appears to be a link to Google Books, because I could click “Preview this item” under the image of the book’s cover and search within the book’s content (even though not all content can be viewed online).

Then I searched for tofu (What’s tofu?), since I recently watched an episode of the Jazzy Vegetarian on PBS and she seems to be a huge tofu fan, and selected one of the titles: Veganomicon: The ultimate vegan cookbook. I scrolled down and clicked the copy held at 867 libraries and this, too, is at Whitewater’s public library and other nearby libraries.

If you are interested in identifying cookbooks and possibly finding them in libraries near you, try this yourself! Or, if you want to see the cookbooks available in Andersen Library, search HALCat for cookbooks, and you’ll find titles like Weeknight wonders: Delicious healthy dishes in 30 minutes or less.


web page of Cookbook Finder

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Spring Semester Library Hours: New Saturday Hours!!

Andersen Library’s Spring Semester hours are the same as the Fall Semester hours, except that Saturday hours have been shifted to open and close one hour later:

Library Spring hours M-TH 7:30am-2am, F 7:30am-6pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-2am

The Circulation Desk closes 15 minutes before the Library closes, which means that Circulation services, such as checking out materials, are not available in the last 15 minutes. In addition, the Library entrance doors are locked 15 minutes before the Library closes. This allows Circulation staff members to perform tasks related to getting the Library closed.

Exceptions to the Library’s semester hours, such as for Spring Break, are posted online at

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 21, 2014


Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong:
A Guide to Life Liberated from Anxiety
by Kelly Wilson and Troy Dufrene
BF575.A6 W55 2010
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

Welcome back to Spring Semster 2014! Feeling anxious yet? If not, great! If you are, you certainly are not alone. Anxiety affects most of us from time to time. The authors of this book, a professor of psychology and a science writer, do not try to tell readers to overcome their anxiety or to make it go away. They are focused on providing readers with a way to think about anxiety and more peacefully co-exist with anxious thoughts and feelings, what the authors call “learn(ing) to live a little freer each day.”

Thought-provoking and satisfying, this book is a great companion for anyone living with daily worries and looking for ways to breathe a little easier.

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screen shot of Research@UWW search box

Quick! What’s changed on the Library’s home page for Spring 2014?

If you answered: “A new Research@UWW tab and search box,” you’re right!! Give yourself a gold star!

Don’t worry, it’s ok if you didn’t notice–it’s the first day of school, for goodness’ sake–but this new resource may figure prominently in your spring semester research.

Research@UWW is a discovery tool that allows you to search for books in this library, books in other UW libraries, articles in many of our library databases, and items in digital repositories–all at the same time. Or you can choose to search for them separately, it’s up to you.

If you type in a search in the Research@UWW search box on the Library’s home page, you’ll automatically be searching “Everything.” On the left side of your results list, you can use the search facets to refine your results: by resource type, subject, date, and more.

Once inside Research@UWW, you can choose to change the scope of your search via the dropdown menu next to the search box. Instead of searching everything, you can narrow your search to, e.g., just HALCat (the library’s online catalog), just articles, or just UW System library catalogs.

In addition to books, Research@UWW searches for articles and citations found in the Library’s article databases. It replaces SuperSearch, which was retired at the end of last semester. However, since not all of the Library’s databases are searched by Research@UWW, it’s not a replacement for searching the individual databases. For a list of databases that are not included in this new resource, see our Research@UWW online guide. For a list of all of the Library’s databases available for individual searching, see our Articles & Databases web page.

Take some time and explore Research@UWW! If you have questions, ask a reference librarian!

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Books for Sale

Spring semester is upon us and new sale books have been put out for all to peruse and purchase. They will be on the designated book sale carts by the Food for Thought cafe until the end of February.

The books encompass primarily the subjects of history, classics, social work, psychology, safety studies, business, art, and philosophy. As always, there are few odds and ends thrown in, so if you aren’t at first excited by the overarching subjects, you may still find something that suits you. Come on over and take a look!

Books are $1 each this month.

Next month (March) we’ll be selling sets at a discounted price and also doing a resale of things that haven’t sold before. Set prices will vary. The “last chance” titles will be a bargain at $.25 each.

Hope you get something that speaks to you and turns out to be an interesting read.

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Martin Luther King, Jr. – 2014 commemorative talk

Reverend Everett D. Mitchell, Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and former Assistant Dane County District Attorney, will deliver the keynote address at UWW’s 28th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Event. Please join the campus community at this event on Wed., Jan. 22, at 3:30pm in the UC’s Hamilton Center. A reception follows in the Warhawk Connection Center from 4:30-5:30pm.

Martin Luther King, Jr., would have turned 85 years old on January 15, 2014. The Multimedia Gallery of the United States Census says,

“The civil rights leader, minister, and recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize was born in 1929 and assassinated in 1968. Next Monday is a national holiday, honoring his memory and life’s work, appropriate in a month that also sees the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.”*

You can learn more about the history of this federal holiday by watching the video “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: The making of a holiday” via Films on Demand. The History Channel also has several videos and photos on Martin Luther King Jr. The King Center in Atlanta, GA, has a digital archive of letters, photos, and papers. The National Park Service has a web site “We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement.”

Andersen Library also has many resources on Martin Luther King, Jr., and civil rights. Search HALCat for titles such as A call to conscience: The landmark speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (3rd-floor Main Collection, E185.97.K5 A5 2001) and Pillar of fire: America in the King years, 1963-65 (3rd-floor Main Collection, E185.61 .B7915 1998).

Please ask a librarian if you would like assistance with finding materials.

*The Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Lincoln in September 1862, but it went into effect on January 1, 1863. You can see information online about commemoration of this event 150 years ago at the White House in September 2012.

FDLP logo Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 14, 2014


Why Things Catch On
by Jonah Berger
HF5415.153 .B463 2013
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

You’ve probably seen quite a few “Best of” and “Top Trending” lists the past few weeks as one year ends and another begins. Have you ever wondered why certain things become popular and others don’t? Why did The Fox (What Does the Fox Say)? by Ylvis take YouTube by storm, for example?

Jonah Berger, professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, combines extensive research with tangible examples to illustrate how social influence and word of mouth are the most powerful tools for turning a product or idea into a viral phenomenon. Find out how a $100 cheesesteak and Budweiser’s “Wassup?” commercials caught on. Then put Berger’s suggestions into action and create the next big thing!

Andersen Library has other books on this topic, as well. Try searching for word of mouth or social influence in the library catalog.

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Driving Safely

It’s been winter for a while now, but it’s never too late to start driving more responsibly in response to weather and road conditions, and you’ve got plenty of time to practice since winter isn’t going away soon.

clip art of vehicle on snowy roadEven the magazine REALSIMPLE recently featured an article on driving in bad weather–an interview of a “pro driver for tips on staying in control while navigating winter roads.” You can read the brief interview via the MasterFILE Premier article database, or come into Andersen Library to read it. The article refers to the magazine’s web site for additional safe driving tips for bad weather.

More information about safe winter driving is available from the state Dept. of Transportation. provides a Checklist and Tips for Safe Winter Driving document.

You also can get helpful books and articles by searching the Library’s catalog and databases, e.g., The complete winter sports safety manual: Staying safe and warm while snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and camping, with a special section on winter driving (3rd-floor Main Collection, GV841 .K74x 1997) and “How to prepare a car for winter” (Consumer Reports, 2013, vol.78:no.12, pp.10-11).

If you’d like assistance with finding additional materials, please ask a librarian.

FDLP logo Andersen Library is a federal and Wisconsin depository library with federal and state government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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Next Generation Consoles and HAL

Creative Commons from Flickr

Are you one of the lucky Warhawks who has an Xbox One or PlayStation 4?  In anticipation of future demand the Andersen Library has purchased a limited selection of Xbox One and PlayStation 4 games.  All the games are currently in the new arrivals area for video games.

In addition in the near future the Library will provide access to an Xbox One in the video game room.  The Library will also provide access to a PlayStation 4 as soon as we can find one!

The plan is continue the expansion of next generation console systems while still developing the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 collection.  If you have any suggestions for Xbox One or PlayStation 4 games please send them to us.

List of currently available Xbox One games:

List of currently available PlayStation 4 games:

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Andersen Library Winterim Hours

Winterim Jan 2-18 Hours M-W 7:30am-6pm, TH-F 7:30am-4:30pm, Sat closed, Sun noon-8pm

The Food for Thought Cafe is closed until Spring Semester.

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