Tag Archives: mysteries

Looking for a final summer read? Try Phantom Prey

Phantom Prey by John Sandford MCN San McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor This just might be my last review for “summer reading,” since classes start very soon (I refuse to think in more specific numbers). I’m back to series reading again, … Continue reading

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It’s No One You Know, but read it anyway

No One You Know by Michelle Richmond MCN Ric McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor First, let me say, I liked this book. But, I thought it moved a little slow. And the ending was, well, let’s say it’s not what I … Continue reading

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You’ll want to read: I Shall Not Want

I Shall Not Want by Julia Spencer-Fleming MCN Spe McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor In case you’re wondering if I ever read anything other than series fiction, the answer is yes. In fact, I intended to review a non-series title in … Continue reading

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Bad Blood equals an “ok” read

Bad Blood by Linda Fairstein MCN Fai McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor Last time I introduced you to Eve Dallas, a feisty police lieutenant from New York City, circa 2058. Now meet Alexandra (aka Alex) Cooper, Assistant District Attorney in charge … Continue reading

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“Death”-ly fun summer reading

Strangers in Death by J.D. Robb MCN Rob McNaughton Collection, 2nd floor For some fun, “light,” non-mind-expanding summer reading, try a book from what I call the “death series” by J.D. Robb, aka Nora Roberts. The series starts with Naked … Continue reading

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