Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

New Stuff Tuesday – May 15

This week, I’ve chosen two unrelated titles, just that they had somewhat catchy covers. I know, I know, don’t judge a book by its cover. Relationship Sabotage: Unconscious Factors That Destroy Couples, Marriages and Families William Matta HM1106 .R45 2006 … Continue reading

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Whatcha reading?

Whatcha reading?, our new category, is all about you. We want to know what you’re reading. Think of this as a chance to let other people know about a good book (or a bad one) that you’re reading. It’s kind … Continue reading

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Subscribe To Our Blog!

With the surge of web 2.0 (what’s web 2.0) technologies like blogs, wikis, social networking sites, comes the development of services that make life easier. RSS feeds fall into that category by allowing you to quickly view new additions to … Continue reading

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SRDS Media Solutions

The Library is pleased to announce our newest electronic resource, SRDS Media Solutions! If you’ve taken a marketing or advertising class, you may already be somewhat familiar with SRDS. The company publishes titles critical to advertising and marketing, containing information … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 8

It’s that time of the week again… New Stuff Tuesday! This week it’s all about people and our social nature. Herd: How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature Mark Earls HF5415.123 .E37 2007 New Book Island, 2nd … Continue reading

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Ask?Away Awareness Week

Do you know what Ask?Away is? Then Ask?Away Awareness Week is for you! Here at UW-Whitewater, we call it Ask-a-Librarian, so don’t feel bad if you didn’t know. Ask-a-Librarian allows you to get help 24 hours a day, 7 days … Continue reading

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Favorite Presidential Words

The great thing about government information is that there is no copyright. What does this mean? It means that tech-savvy people can create really cool and useful websites using government information. US Presidential Speeches Tag Cloud Chirag Mehta developed this … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – May 1

You never know what you’re going to find when you browse the sciences section of the stacks. How’s this for making science fun? The Physics of Superheroes James Kakalios QC24.5 .K3 2006 New Book Island, 2nd floor Studying for a … Continue reading

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A Successful Book Sale!

We’re pleased to report that the 10th Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale, held April 16-19, raised over $3,000! As much as we’d like to run off to the casino and gamble the night away, we’ll be a little … Continue reading

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Working out… at the Library?

Youtube has some real gems. And since it’s Friday, we’d like to point a rather amusing video that was found when browsing for entertainment. This video was made at Arizona State University in 1987 – can you say ‘retro’? In … Continue reading

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