Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

Research Paper Season – Documenting Sources

It’s that time of the semester again, and regardless of your major, you’ve probably got a research paper. After a semester (or the day night, either way) spent researching to construct a fantastic essay, you have to prove that you … Continue reading

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Happy Belated Birthday, Library of Congress!

The Library of Congress, the largest in the nation with over 30 million volumes, turned 207 yesterday. It was in 1800 that Congress allocated funds of $5,000 to start a library, which began with 740 books and three maps. If … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 24

This week features two books about famous people and the lives they lead out of the spotlight. Private Lives, Public Consequences: Personality and Politics in Modern America William H. Chafe E743 .C425 2005 New Book Island, 2nd floor Chafe, faculty … Continue reading

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Changes to Campus Research & LexisNexis

If you have used Campus Research or LexisNexis before, you may be in for a surprise when you use it in the future. Westlaw has tweaked the search interface for Campus Research with subtle changes. They have added a Basic … Continue reading

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We’ve Still Got Books For Sale

Thought you missed the book sale? Well, technically, you did. But there’s still plenty of books out in the lobby for the picking. Prices have been slashed and you can even fill up a bag and take it all for … Continue reading

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Tech books online

The Library is pleased to announce its newest addition to the growing collection of online resources, Safari Books Online! Through Safari, you can browse and read approximately one hundred titles of core information technology books “cover-to-cover” from respected publishers such … Continue reading

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Day of Silence – not just in the library

Some of you may noticed that campus is quieter today than most, not just in the library. As part of Pride Week, IMPACT, the campus LGBTA student union, is taking part in the National Day of Silence, an event “to … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – April 17

Just like music being released on Tuesday, this weekly column will highlight some of the Library’s latest acquisitions on, you guessed it, Tuesday. Now, for the first New Book Tuesday: The N Word: Who Can Say It, Who Shouldn’t, and … Continue reading

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Library Book Sale!

10th Annual Friends of the Library Book Sale April 16-19, 2007 In conjunction with National Library Week, the Friends of the Library will be holding the 10th Annual Book Sale from Monday, April 16 until Thursday, April 19. Proceeds of … Continue reading

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Google’s Book Project Keeps On Scanning

Avid users of Google may have noticed the “Book Search” links that appear in the search results. Those links stem from the Google Book Project, the top search engine’s project to digitize the world’s printed material for all to access … Continue reading

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