Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

Worth Repeating

To save you some time if you were searching for the video mentioned in Joyce’s all-campus e-mail, I’ve decided to post the video again. [youtube][/youtube] link to the original post If you’d like to subscribe to our blog, check out … Continue reading

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Electronic Collections Update

Project MUSE has announced the availability of a new journal through our subscription. Comparative Drama, published by Western Michigan University, is “devoted to studies international in spirit and interdisciplinary in scope.” The Library houses print copies of previous issues, back … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – June 19

Who says reference books have to be old and boring? McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology Tenth Edition REF Q121 .M3 2007 Reference Collection, 2nd floor Need to know more about lean manufacturing? Wondering what the heck dactyloscopy is? The … Continue reading

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Librarians are HOT!

Well, at least the future of librarianship is hot. Don’t believe me? Just ask US News & World Report. They listed Librarian as one of the top careers for 2007. As they point out, “it’s an underrated career… help researchers … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – June 12

Chasing the American Dream: New Perspectives on Affordable Homeownership Edited by William M. Rohe & Harry L. Watson HD7287.96 .U6 C43 2007 New Book Island, 2nd floor Should you rent or should you buy? The topic is definitely at the … Continue reading

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High-tech… books?

Time for your weekly dose of library-related Youtube videos. This one demonstrates that computers and all of our modern “conveniences” isn’t the first time that humans struggled with technology. Thanks to Dianne for the video submission! [youtube][/youtube]

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Congratulations Katie!

After three years of commuting to Madison and “surviving the scary Beltline,” Katie Davis, government documents assistant, completed her Master’s in Library Science in December. Her hard work and dedication all paid off on Sunday when she got to cross … Continue reading

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Librarians in Hollywood

Since it’s Friday (woo hoo!), I’d like to share another fun video that I got from a librarian friend. This is a trailer for an upcoming documentary entitled The Hollywood Librarian – check out the film’s website! [youtube][/youtube]

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Books-a-log… Blogapolooza… Blogola?

The University Library Blog needs a new name. It’s… a little on the bland side. Although some may argue that it’s perfectly fitting for the Library, I disagree. On the other hand, I could use some help in choosing a … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Wannabes or Serious Contenders?

Here at the Library, we’re all about research. We have books, journals, magazines, online databases, guides and much more to help you with your research. On the other hand, sometimes you just need a quick definition or an encyclopedia article … Continue reading

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