Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

Raymond A. Winbush @UWW 3/11

Raymond A. Winbush, Director of the Institute for Urban Research, a social science research institute at Morgan State University (MD), will speak on Tuesday, March 11, 2008, at 4pm in Upham 145. His talk on “Challenging African American Males” is … Continue reading

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Library service quality survey continues

If you receive an email about the LibQUAL+ survey, and you have not already completed it, please take a few minutes to do so! Many (not all) of you, are getting an email asking you to take the survey. LibQUAL … Continue reading

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Daniel N. Nelson @UWW Mar.4

Dr. Daniel N. Nelson, Senior Fellow, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Washington, DC, will talk on “A New American Foreign Policy?” on March 4, at 4p.m. in Hyer 320. His talk will be followed by discussion. UWW students and … Continue reading

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Pardon the 1st-floor dust & noise

You may notice for the next week or week and a half that there is some work being done on the Library’s first floor (the periodicals, media center, & compact shelving floor). One of the sets of restrooms on that … Continue reading

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New Free Legal Research Site Online

As you may know, the University Library provides two subscription legal research databases (LexisNexis Academic and West’s Campus Research). There are also free legal research sites such as FindLaw; see the Library’s Law Resources web page for links. A new … Continue reading

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It’s YOUR web: Do you add content?

Do you “publish” on the Web, or are you a lurker? User-created content on the Internet is extremely popular–what effects might it have on journalism? advertising? social relationships? politics? and more… The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development reports, based … Continue reading

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LibQUAL Survey: Help the Library Serve You Better

Many of you will be receiving an email asking you to complete the LibQUAL+ survey. This survey, developed by the Association of Research Libraries, is used by many libraries nationally to measure library users’ perceptions of the quality of the … Continue reading

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Graphic Novels, Zines, and Comix

“Graphic Novels, Zines and Comix: from Hogarth to Robert Crumb” is the exhibit in the Crossman Gallery (Center for the Arts) from Feb. 21-Mar. 20, 2008. There will also be a lecture by Max Estes on Thurs., Feb. 21, at … Continue reading

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Thinking about study abroad?

If you are looking into study abroad, there are resources in your University Library that can help, providing information about travel, customs and etiquette, social conditions, etc., in other countries. For example, search the Library Catalog for books. A “keyword” … Continue reading

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VOTE! Tues. Feb. 19 Primary

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 is Wisconsin Primary Election Day. For the first time, some UWW students may be voting at the new polling place on campus. Others will vote at the Armory. Where do you vote? See the City’s elections … Continue reading

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