Many of you will be receiving an email asking you to complete the LibQUAL+ survey. This survey, developed by the Association of Research Libraries, is used by many libraries nationally to measure library users’ perceptions of the quality of the library services they receive, and it identifies gaps between minimal, desired, and perceived levels of service.
If you receive this email please take a few minutes to complete it!
Students will be eligible for a $50 gift certificate to (four gift certificates will be awarded to randomly-selected student survey participants).
Comments are welcome also. In fact, when we used the survey in 2004 we got many useful comments and took action on them. For example, you can thank the 2004 survey respondents for some of the newer database subscriptions, comfortable seating, and the lack of the entrance turnstile (for those of you who remember that!).
Thank you for your help! We are looking forward to your feedback.