Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

March: Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. If you’re interested in researching a topic related to women’s history, resources are plentiful. The Library of Congress is providing information and resources online in celebration of women, using materials it has collected over the … Continue reading

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Library Survey Winners

Thank you to all who completed the LibQUAL Library Service Quality Survey in the last three weeks! Students who completed the survey had the option to be eligible for one of four $50 gift certificates to, and here are … Continue reading

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Keep Up With Science Research

The Public Library of Science is a non-profit site for keeping up with and freely sharing scientific and medical research. It is dedicated to open access to research articles, and also offers blogs, journal content alerts, and open access (no-fee) … Continue reading

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iGoogle, do you?

iGoogle has become a part of my daily life, and I can blame one of my coworkers. No, it’s not just searching Google I’m talking about! With a free Google account (you already have one if you use Gmail) you … Continue reading

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NIH-funded research & mandatory public access

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) ‘s public access submission policy will be mandatory as of April 7, 2008. The NIH Public Access Policy implements Division G, Title II, Section 218 of PL 110-161 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008). The law … Continue reading

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Jody Williams @ UWW Mar. 19

Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize winner and founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, will speak at 7p.m. in the Young Auditorium on Wed., Mar. 19, 2008 on “An Individual’s Impact on Social and Political Change.” You can … Continue reading

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Container Gardening program Fri. Mar. 14

A Container Gardening program will be presented on Fri., Mar. 14, 2008 from 1:30–2:30 pm by Amy Sanders, perennial grower, and Patty Kuper, sales manager, of Pesche’s Greenhouse, Floral & Gifts. Location: International Education Conference Room (Andersen Library, L2254) During … Continue reading

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Students! Win $50…take the library survey

This is your last chance to take the LibQUAL library service survey ! Students are eligible for a $50 gift certificate to (four will be awarded to randomly-selected student survey participants). Many (not all) of you, are getting an … Continue reading

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Blog for your health

Did you know blogging is good for you? I saw it on my Discover News iGoogle gadget. Researchers James Baker and Susan Moore have been investigating the psychological benefits of blogging and regularly updating personal Web pages, likening it to … Continue reading

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“Buggy” Research (Entomology)

The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture‘s Agricultural Research Service publishes Agricultural Research, a science magazine online since 1996. Selected articles have been collected in ARS Entomology Research Highlights 2000-2006 (available in the Library’s Federal documents collection at A 77.2/A:EN 8). Now, … Continue reading

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