Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

The Resource (Library newsletter)-Spring 2008

In this issue of the Library’s newsletter, The Resource – Spring 2008: Assess That: Continuous Improvement Through Assessment (featuring the upcoming user survey LibQUAL+, the information literacy test iSkills, and collection analysis efforts) Picture Perfect Finish! What’s Up Doc? Just … Continue reading

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Blog with your gov’t: TSA

OK, you’ve been waiting for this one…if you travel by air and would like to, um, discuss or even question some of the security screening, well, this blog’s for you! The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) started a blog called Evolution … Continue reading

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Library: Get a Fast Intro

OK , you’re a transfer student, a returning student, a student who never set foot in a library before (!), a new faculty, etc. Now you need to do research, use the library databases, and you’ve got some questions… Come … Continue reading

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Stephen Prothero @UWW Feb. 13

Stephen Prothero, chair of Boston University’s Department of Religion, will speak on Wed., Feb. 13, 2008 at 7 p.m. in the Young Auditorium. More information about the author (and a link to his religious literacy quiz) is available from the … Continue reading

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Michael Novacek @UWW on 2/12 (Darwin Day)

The 10th annual Darwin Day lecture will be given at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12th in the Hamilton Center (in the University Center). Michael Novacek, Senior Vice President and Provost of Science at the American Museum of Natural History, will speak … Continue reading

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Library Closing at 10pm Wed 2/6/08

The University Library will close at 10 p.m. on Wed., Feb. 6, 2008 due to the weather conditions. Databases for articles, full-text legal research, etc.; ebooks; and the Library Catalog continue to be available during the evening The Ask a … Continue reading

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Free File federal taxes online!

Earlier I blogged about where to find tax forms in print. Of course, you can also file online. And if your 2007 adjusted gross income is under $54,000, you can prepare and file your federal taxes online for free–aka Free … Continue reading

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Our Natural World lecture series

Each semester UWW faculty/staff provide a lecture series at the Fairhaven Retirement Community’s Fellowship Hall, easily walkable from campus (435 W. Starin Road). Lectures are on Mondays at 3pm, and they are open to the public. The spring series is … Continue reading

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Reading for other views: Utne

Last semester I blogged about the value of reading a daily newspaper. That’ll get you the mainstream perspective on things. I also recommend reading Utne (previously Utne Reader), which is like a Reader’s Digest of “alternative” (non-mainstream) and independent press, … Continue reading

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Senior Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr. @UWW Jan. 23

Senior Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr. will speak in the Irvin L. Young Auditorium at 3:30 p.m. on January 23rd. This is the 22nd annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Event on the UWW campus, and you’re all invited! The Honorable … Continue reading

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