Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 18th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







Beginning revisions of Love’s Labour’s Lost.  Spent a few days combing the library for botanical prints, scanning, cropping, and now inserting.

Love’s Labour’s Lost

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 13th, 2012 by Eric Appleton








Getting ready for the first production meeting for November’s Love’s Labour’s Lost.  A sketched revision of the earlier Sketchup draft, with water feature and panels instead of fabric.   And yes, we’re going with the spelling of the title as used by the Arden edition of the play.


Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 13th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







A quick sketch of the proposed double throne for Aladdin.

Love’s Labors Lost

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 12th, 2012 by Eric Appleton






Working up the idea  for November’s production of Love’s Labors Lost from the original thumbnail — the ‘labyrinth of love,’  ordering nature, controlling nature, accepting that not everything can be ordered.  Jim Butchart, the director, liked where it is going.  We both agreed the blue curtain was overpowering and will likely change that into a series of painted panels.  The smaller branch panels suspended on pipes will also become less Japanese with more summery foliage;  there will also be three or four sizes of panels.   We also discussed how to get a bit of untamed nature in the space, and will be considering the possibility of a small pool and flowing stream.  On my way to my Library Services Committee I realized that using botanical illustrations from circa 1880 (the  period in which costumes will be designed) might a really interesting way to bring a sense of scholarly illusion to the world.

Love’s Labors Lost

Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 8th, 2012 by Eric Appleton









Preliminary doodle for UW-Whitewater’s November’s production of Love’s Labors Lost.    A stack of low circular platforms with curved benches and hedges with a thicket of ‘billboards’ upstage.   Branches and blossoms stenciled on the billboards, twining vines stenciled around the perimeters of the platforms.  I also desire topiary.  Now to sell it to the director.




Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 7th, 2012 by Eric Appleton






Aladdin, with new central arch, side image/masking flats that will move center for the street scenes, and pillows downloaded from the Google Sketchup Warehouse.


Posted in Drawings, Scenic Design on September 4th, 2012 by Eric Appleton






First day of classes, first day of production meetings and the return to AladdinAladdin is our second show of the semester, and is a children’s piece that we tour to various schools and venues throughout southeastern Wisconsin.  This, of course, means that while we have one fully mounted performance in the Barnett Theatre, the set must fit in the back of a van and be flexible enough to accomodate theatres, classrooms, gyms, and cafeterias, all with widely varying dimensions and accomodations.

Just playing

Posted in Drawings on August 24th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







Some procrastination as I work on syllabi and lesson plans;  playing with Google Sketchup and designing myself a house that I will never, ever, be able to afford.  This is the living room, in progress.


A Thousand Clowns

Posted in Lighting Design, Production Photo on August 9th, 2012 by Eric Appleton








Photo from final dress.  Sandra and Murray drink their coffee and make very small talk the morning after. . .


A Thousand Clowns

Posted in General Production, Lighting Design, Production Photo on August 8th, 2012 by Eric Appleton







The giant tech table has been struck.  Here’s the view from the tiny tech table as we prepare for photo call.










The office.  Murray visits his brother and agent, Arnold, in search of a job.